My band opened up for Viva L' American Death Ray Music last night.
And after those articles about our band, I think everyone was expecting to see some "trouble" on our part.
I was wearing a boxing glove on my left hand and spent about half the show getting all "fight club" on my ass.
One time I belted myself in the gut, knocked all the air out my lungs and I couldn't even get out the next 2 lines of the song.
I was also a tad drunk, so that usually means I'll forget the words to my own songs and something tends to get broken. Both of which were the case....I broke a mic stand and part of one of the spot lights. OH, and I may have dislocated my pinky from punching a brick column...because when I got off knuckle was locked...I couldn't bend it for, I kind of crunched it back into place and other than a bruised feels ok today.
Oh, yes...and I shat myself a tad...I had some brown streakage in my bloomers...this has happened twice before. I just scream so damn loud that tears, spit, blood and yes, shit just comes shooting out of me.
A disgusting side effect of rocking for Satan.
And after those articles about our band, I think everyone was expecting to see some "trouble" on our part.
I was wearing a boxing glove on my left hand and spent about half the show getting all "fight club" on my ass.
One time I belted myself in the gut, knocked all the air out my lungs and I couldn't even get out the next 2 lines of the song.
I was also a tad drunk, so that usually means I'll forget the words to my own songs and something tends to get broken. Both of which were the case....I broke a mic stand and part of one of the spot lights. OH, and I may have dislocated my pinky from punching a brick column...because when I got off knuckle was locked...I couldn't bend it for, I kind of crunched it back into place and other than a bruised feels ok today.
Oh, yes...and I shat myself a tad...I had some brown streakage in my bloomers...this has happened twice before. I just scream so damn loud that tears, spit, blood and yes, shit just comes shooting out of me.
A disgusting side effect of rocking for Satan.

hey rock star. how is it living the life you lead?