okay, okay - i know... i disappeared. i did. but i'm back. sleepless just south of seattle. funny how insomnia brings us together. well, school ended but not really. i'm taking fulltime summer courses too. i'm not some crazy overacheiver - no, no. no kids, i go to Evergreen. this means that this summer i'm getting full credit for going on two weeklong trips under the pretense of writing. yep. best.school.ever. so one week class has passed. that one was on a farm. it was nice, rural, quaint. unfortunately there was no bathroom. they actually brought in a fucking port-a-potty for us to use. holy stinky shit batman. that was disgusting. by the end of the week most people had abandoned the whole idea & were squating all aroung the farm. i on the other hand am not a squatter. nope. so i had to brave the smell & litteral mountain-o-shit. i hovered in real feel of making contact with something. needless to say, i have a new found appreciation & love for my indoor plumbing.
my next retreat is up on the olympic penninsula at an old military fort. i've been there before & it's pretty sweet. i only hope the people hold up to the farm group. i knew everything was going to be okay (bathroom or no) when at 3pm on the first day someone broke out a communal bottle of whisky. say it with me now: best.school.ever.
guess a port-a-potty's not so bad when you're drunk... though i'm sure the drinking helped get it in the condition we left it in. yuk

all in all i guess i'm ok. there's a new prospective love interest. a cute girl. met her out at the local bar one night. she joined my friends & i in a man-walk tutorial followed by a dance party in a bar with no dancefloor. it was a good night. we've been playing phone tag. i need to call her this week & ask her out... any advice y'all?
especially the boys: how do you ask out girls?
in the past they've come to me & now i'd like to be more aggressive, more proactive about who i date. so, how???

i usually ask them if they wanna hang out... after a few times hangin out i spill the beans that i got the hots for them. smooth right?