time flies when you're avoiding homework. so, here i am. 2 pm on a friday. not doing homework. excellent. i've been so busy lately. arg.
the update? well, still haven't seen the ex-not-girlfriend. probably a good play on my part. aparently she's involved with some guy now. kids. i did, however, run into my ex boyfriend the other day while browzing the saw isle at target. he's cute and akward and strange: all the adorable things i miss about him. but i wasn't happy with him before & i wouldn't be now. i fell for the strange punk rock boy with the shitty band and nice tattoos. he's still that boy, only now he's committed to cubicle life & corporate bullshit instead of his music & art. i'm a starving writer/artist and student. i've paid my dues with shit jobs and i'm not doing that again. no, i don't want to buy a house here & settle down. i don't want to start having kids. i want ny. i want to travel. i want a life. i want, well... ladies. so that's that. it was good to see him, though. we have so much in common. he got to gloat about the shows he's been going to lately: tiger army, social d, terror... i do miss the shows. no one i know likes that shit & i don't want to drive to seattle or portland alone. oh well.
saw a funny mini-show last night at the clipper. a bunch of local heros got together & made a project they call Boots N Pants. fucking hilarious. you like Bikini Kill? picture Tobi Vail rocking out goofball style on the drum kit to a steady rhythm kept to the lyrics "bootspantsbootspants" so glad i dragged myself away from my nerd-tastic Buffy marathon. that's right kids: buffy season 2 on dvd. thank you netflix. yep. i'm a dork. what of it?
olympia is gearing up for this summer's Lady Fest. it should be a hoot. i've vowed to chip in this time around, do some shit. should be fun.
oh, at a recent arts festival in town, yours truly showed up naked in an installment.
yep, my ex-not gf & i posed for a friend's book of black & white photography & art. that friend set up shop at the festival & next thing i know people are telling me they saw me in all my glory. hell yes.
looks like i'll never hold a public office now
so sad.
the update? well, still haven't seen the ex-not-girlfriend. probably a good play on my part. aparently she's involved with some guy now. kids. i did, however, run into my ex boyfriend the other day while browzing the saw isle at target. he's cute and akward and strange: all the adorable things i miss about him. but i wasn't happy with him before & i wouldn't be now. i fell for the strange punk rock boy with the shitty band and nice tattoos. he's still that boy, only now he's committed to cubicle life & corporate bullshit instead of his music & art. i'm a starving writer/artist and student. i've paid my dues with shit jobs and i'm not doing that again. no, i don't want to buy a house here & settle down. i don't want to start having kids. i want ny. i want to travel. i want a life. i want, well... ladies. so that's that. it was good to see him, though. we have so much in common. he got to gloat about the shows he's been going to lately: tiger army, social d, terror... i do miss the shows. no one i know likes that shit & i don't want to drive to seattle or portland alone. oh well.
saw a funny mini-show last night at the clipper. a bunch of local heros got together & made a project they call Boots N Pants. fucking hilarious. you like Bikini Kill? picture Tobi Vail rocking out goofball style on the drum kit to a steady rhythm kept to the lyrics "bootspantsbootspants" so glad i dragged myself away from my nerd-tastic Buffy marathon. that's right kids: buffy season 2 on dvd. thank you netflix. yep. i'm a dork. what of it?
olympia is gearing up for this summer's Lady Fest. it should be a hoot. i've vowed to chip in this time around, do some shit. should be fun.
oh, at a recent arts festival in town, yours truly showed up naked in an installment.

looks like i'll never hold a public office now

yeah olympia is nice but i'm trying to avoid the west coast... everyone from here moves out there. so i'd rather avoid those that think that coast will cure the problems that are mostly their own bagage... so for me the east coast is what i need... that and a job...