Highschool memories... ha, it's been a while- let's see what kind of shit i can dredge up:
1. What year was it? 91-96 (8th grade was in the HS)
2. What were your three favorite bands? operation ivy, misfits, fugazi
3. What was your favorite outfit? torn jeans, band t-shirts, hoodies... by senior yr i had flipped out, didn't give a fuck & started showing up in whatever i had fallen asleep in
4. What was up with your hair? haha... early 90's? yep- i had big hair. jersey hair. by 94 the perm had grown out & it was natural & still long & blonde. senior yr, as part of the flip out, i started dying it red.
5. Who were your best friends? we had a whole crew. don't really see them now, but a few... carol, lara, amanda, val, zaffa, pat, ramsdell, vitti, abby, aaron, chaz, danielle etc...
6. What did you do after school? get high at lara's, eat shitty food, watch beavis & butthead and the state, play pool, stay in the art rooms, watch football practice, drink beers up at the quarries
7. Did you take the bus? yep, until the end of soph yr when abby got her liscense - then she drove.
8. Who did you have a crush on? beginning of HS was all about pat loper... which was mostly bc meghan loder liked him and i really liked her. young dyke in denial. then it was chris spense (first love, first time), matt wheeler (cute italian boy, dumb as a bag of hammers), sam monro (still love that dirty punk rock boy), russ carlson (bagged him yrs later) and scott macdonald... ah, scotty mac. yep, i was hard up for that boy. hockey star. had a band. damn.
9. Did you fight with your parents? ooh, yeah. slammed doors, took off for days. a lot of yelling. i was playing parent to my mom a lot then. fucked up.
10. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? there was the trent reznor thing... weird. mostly tori amos, pj harvey, drew barrymore, bjork
11. Did you smoke cigarettes? did, until one night with a bottle of whiskey & a pack of marlboro reds. puked my brains out. avoided both since. besides, whiskey makes me wanna fight. it's the irish in me.
12. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker? nope. i rigged my locker so i could push this one part & it would fling open. it was filled with all kinds of shit. cleaning it out was educational at the end of each yr.
13. Did you have a 'clique'? ha! i was of the "art freaks"... bitch of the whole thing was, we threw the best parties. the "cool kids" wanted in with us, so we ended up turning the whole clique system on it's ass. it was outstanding.
14. Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater? all right, i'll admit to watching saved by the bell, but i don't remember what the fuck that is. wait! was it their hang out? if it was, we had Friendly's. we could spend less than a buck for bottomless coffee, get free food from our waitress friends and sit around smoking & talking shit for hours. late night we had the Ben Franklin Savings Bank picnic table. we'd meet there or in the White Hen Pantry (a.k.a. white man's panties) parking lot, then find a place to drink.
15. Admit it, were you popular? inadvertantly. i tried my best to piss everyone off. i was loud, weird, rowdy. i just did what i did & it just worked out that i dated jocks (i'm a sucker for hardbodies) & could always drink their buddies under the table. i made a mean bouncer, always won at cards & people respected that.
16. Who did you want to be just like? my best friend. she wore a size zero & i had an eating disorder.
17. What did you want to be when you grew up? same as now- a serious writer.
18. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? hahaha... well, graduated from college for one!
established, living in nyc, published.
okay... now it's your turn my little minions!
will you accept the challenge? c'mon...
tell us about you!
1. What year was it? 91-96 (8th grade was in the HS)
2. What were your three favorite bands? operation ivy, misfits, fugazi
3. What was your favorite outfit? torn jeans, band t-shirts, hoodies... by senior yr i had flipped out, didn't give a fuck & started showing up in whatever i had fallen asleep in
4. What was up with your hair? haha... early 90's? yep- i had big hair. jersey hair. by 94 the perm had grown out & it was natural & still long & blonde. senior yr, as part of the flip out, i started dying it red.
5. Who were your best friends? we had a whole crew. don't really see them now, but a few... carol, lara, amanda, val, zaffa, pat, ramsdell, vitti, abby, aaron, chaz, danielle etc...
6. What did you do after school? get high at lara's, eat shitty food, watch beavis & butthead and the state, play pool, stay in the art rooms, watch football practice, drink beers up at the quarries
7. Did you take the bus? yep, until the end of soph yr when abby got her liscense - then she drove.
8. Who did you have a crush on? beginning of HS was all about pat loper... which was mostly bc meghan loder liked him and i really liked her. young dyke in denial. then it was chris spense (first love, first time), matt wheeler (cute italian boy, dumb as a bag of hammers), sam monro (still love that dirty punk rock boy), russ carlson (bagged him yrs later) and scott macdonald... ah, scotty mac. yep, i was hard up for that boy. hockey star. had a band. damn.
9. Did you fight with your parents? ooh, yeah. slammed doors, took off for days. a lot of yelling. i was playing parent to my mom a lot then. fucked up.
10. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? there was the trent reznor thing... weird. mostly tori amos, pj harvey, drew barrymore, bjork
11. Did you smoke cigarettes? did, until one night with a bottle of whiskey & a pack of marlboro reds. puked my brains out. avoided both since. besides, whiskey makes me wanna fight. it's the irish in me.
12. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker? nope. i rigged my locker so i could push this one part & it would fling open. it was filled with all kinds of shit. cleaning it out was educational at the end of each yr.
13. Did you have a 'clique'? ha! i was of the "art freaks"... bitch of the whole thing was, we threw the best parties. the "cool kids" wanted in with us, so we ended up turning the whole clique system on it's ass. it was outstanding.
14. Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater? all right, i'll admit to watching saved by the bell, but i don't remember what the fuck that is. wait! was it their hang out? if it was, we had Friendly's. we could spend less than a buck for bottomless coffee, get free food from our waitress friends and sit around smoking & talking shit for hours. late night we had the Ben Franklin Savings Bank picnic table. we'd meet there or in the White Hen Pantry (a.k.a. white man's panties) parking lot, then find a place to drink.
15. Admit it, were you popular? inadvertantly. i tried my best to piss everyone off. i was loud, weird, rowdy. i just did what i did & it just worked out that i dated jocks (i'm a sucker for hardbodies) & could always drink their buddies under the table. i made a mean bouncer, always won at cards & people respected that.
16. Who did you want to be just like? my best friend. she wore a size zero & i had an eating disorder.
17. What did you want to be when you grew up? same as now- a serious writer.
18. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? hahaha... well, graduated from college for one!

okay... now it's your turn my little minions!

i did finally hear back from my not-really-sort-of girlfriend. she wants to hang out. whatever, dude. i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.
anyhow. it's good to stop in and see how everyone's been holding up out there. i just got back from a cross country driving adventure. i never thought i'd be happy to see jersey... that's right tarzan, jersey. and it was great to be back in the nyc, no matter how breif the encounter. *sigh* ny will always be my real gf
so hi! and i'll write more soon.