Lo and behold! The physical copies of our new album, called "Bleakness", finally arrived.
If you're into black- and doom metal, A Thousand Sufferings might be your thing. Wallow yourself in misery and despair and give it a listen.
In the meantime you can like our FB page or check our bandcamp. We're working on making it available digitally.
The album is also out there on Youtube:
@hellfart I see that there are your previous albums on Google Play (I haven’t listened yet, I hope it’s you, not the band of the same name)) But I like you so much !!
Haha, well, "Burden" is also ours @sofia_k , and some split with another Belgian band... I think there's also a band called "Ten Thousand Sufferings", but they're from Tenerife... since we live up north and everything is more grim, we go for the thousand sufferings :D