Den som drber! Damn... how I love these scandinavian crimi series! Varg Veum, The Killing, Wallander... and now Those who kill (Den som drber)... When I watch these things, it's like i'm swallowed by the story and I lose track of time while watching...
Tattoo's progressing... lower arm is as good as finished right now... have a look:
Next session is this friday... hopefully we'll sart with the upper arm, or maybe the outlining of the mantra's! I've made 3 new appointments for the beginning of 2012. And right now, I have flashes of new ideas for new tattoo's... it's a virs!
Ahhhh... had a nice weekend! Summer was shit in Belgium, but the after-summer / autumn has given us some very beautiful days and weekends! Saturday I went for my new glasses; in the afternoon for a long walk in nature; in the evenings to IKEA for a present for my little nephew's x-mas... and in the evenings: chilling with some hashish and some nice series and music! I like it!
Outside were beautiful colors and scents... misty views, mushrooms....
Works at the house are leaning towards an end... kitchen's finished so we can cook again, painting's done... We still have to get rid of our fridge and get 2 central-heating-radiators fixed
Then we can move our livingroom back downstairs and have a 'real' livingroom with some space to move! A few months of stress and refurbishment misery is weighing... pffrtttzzz... sometimes we both get a bit edgy and get mad for nothing! I'll be glad when everything's over and we have more time for chilling out, intimacy and funtstuff again...
Autumn... somehow I always link that season with Type O Negative
Probabely since their album "October Rust"
Some of the tunes on that album still give me goosebumps!
In 2 weeks I'll finally witness The Devil's Blood live on stage... it's some psychedelic and doomy 60ies/70ies (hard) rock from Holland! Kickass stuff if you ask me. The members are rooted in more extreme blackish metal stuff; but I'm curious to witness them on stage. Their new album rocks as fk!
They're playing together with Urfaust... if you're into epic black metal (think Bathory and stuff), check it out!
How are your lives progressing my dear friends?
I'm getting ready for work now. Just made veggie pasta sauce, mobbed the kitchend, livingroom and bathroom... and now some more chilling out!
Over and out! And don't forget to rock on
Tattoo's progressing... lower arm is as good as finished right now... have a look:

Next session is this friday... hopefully we'll sart with the upper arm, or maybe the outlining of the mantra's! I've made 3 new appointments for the beginning of 2012. And right now, I have flashes of new ideas for new tattoo's... it's a virs!

Ahhhh... had a nice weekend! Summer was shit in Belgium, but the after-summer / autumn has given us some very beautiful days and weekends! Saturday I went for my new glasses; in the afternoon for a long walk in nature; in the evenings to IKEA for a present for my little nephew's x-mas... and in the evenings: chilling with some hashish and some nice series and music! I like it!
Outside were beautiful colors and scents... misty views, mushrooms....

Works at the house are leaning towards an end... kitchen's finished so we can cook again, painting's done... We still have to get rid of our fridge and get 2 central-heating-radiators fixed

Autumn... somehow I always link that season with Type O Negative

In 2 weeks I'll finally witness The Devil's Blood live on stage... it's some psychedelic and doomy 60ies/70ies (hard) rock from Holland! Kickass stuff if you ask me. The members are rooted in more extreme blackish metal stuff; but I'm curious to witness them on stage. Their new album rocks as fk!
They're playing together with Urfaust... if you're into epic black metal (think Bathory and stuff), check it out!
How are your lives progressing my dear friends?
I'm getting ready for work now. Just made veggie pasta sauce, mobbed the kitchend, livingroom and bathroom... and now some more chilling out!
Over and out! And don't forget to rock on

That sentence pretty much sums up my month.