So... October arrived already! Since I grow older, I have the prominent feeling that time's speeding up... or maybe I'm just not conscious enough of everything, so that I let minutes/hours/... slip through the mazes?! No idea!
Anyway, I have 3 weeks off right now! About time... my last 'real' time-off was in April 2010 when we went to the majestic country of Nepal... sweet sweet memories! Unfortunately my gf switched jobs, and right now she hasn't got a lot of spare days... Since I work for the Flemish government (yes yes... public servant bureaucracy) I have quite a lot of vacational days off.
Well... 3 weeks off now. We moved back into our own house since most of the work has been done. Still waiting for 1 big window in the kitchen; and... for the kitchen itself... I hope that everything will be settled before the end of this month. We're getting a bit tired of things. Waiting here, asking for help there, etc. It sucks. Mostly because we're not quite handy ourselves... so we have to ask other people. Right now I've been working on the ceiling in the living room for 2 days, just to get the wood back into place. Next 3 days: painting, painting, and... yes... painting. We're going for minimalistic white
Lately we also have been cleaning up a lot... Boxes of stuff went to the 2nd-hand-store, lots of crap went to the containerpark. It's crazy how many little things one collects over the years! Things you hardly remember you had them... But it brings back peace of mind; I - myself - am quite chaotic in things, and my room/atelier is quite a mess; so... I hope than when we start putting isolation in the attic; I'll have a clean room to work and make music in
Speaking of music, I went to see Ufomammut / Morkobot and White Hills last saturday.... damn... What a blast! I've seen Ufomammut quite a few times right now, but Morkobot and White Hills blew me off my socks too! White Hills, was like... sex on stage or something like that?! Besides some hashish, no psychedelics were included that evebing, but they got me in some kind of a trance
Here you have a teaser:
A very nice evening, had some nice chitchats, cool music, veggie pizza's... and... a free sauna! Because the room was overcrowded and everyone inside was sweaty and moisty
Not to forget Ufomammut:
Lately I also made some progress on my right sleeve... haxagonal retro-like patterns are already filling in my lower arm. During the next sessions we'll work our way up and try some other patterns for the upper arm! I'm quite curious for the result.
In order to highlight the mantra in the teal-color... I'd like to have a turqouise 'glow' around it. My tattoo artist had set his mind on red to outline the mantra; but it's way too screamy... I know that if you have the wheel-of-colors, red would be quite complementary... but I don't feel the need to put 100% contrast in the mantra-stuff

In two weeks there's this big tattoo convention in Brussels

Last year I couldn't get in... I arrived sundayafternoon, a gigantic queue before the gates, and security decided to call it quits. Haha... I could get a ticket in advance this year; but I don't feel very comfortable at overcrowded places. Especially when I would like to check out the artists and tattoos at ease... and not being rushed by the crowd or simple not being able to have a close look at stuff.... Hmm hmmm... Must overthink.
I've read quite some SG people are going? And on the initial flyer they were saying that SG would also be present... if you're going... give me a sign
Speaking of Suicidegirls... and hopefuls... does anybody know where Zorah went? Lovely German metalhead SG hopeful! But here profile isn't active anymore? Hmmmzzzz....

If anybody knows here, feel free to ask her to contact me... I've read she had a new set coming up, so... would be quite a loss.
And speaking about new sets... be sure to check out these:
Mnemozyne - Chez Chacha

Sinnah - Love Lost

AnnaLee - Blushing

Damn... it's always a great looking-forward-to-seeing-new-AnnaLee-sets!
Plum - Sweet Disposition

Antiope - Dandylion

Liya - Summer Spent Indoors

Apory - Bonds

Over and out dear friends! Have to get back into action! Last summerish day for now; and I need to taste some sun... have some nice veggie delightful food at a cosy terrace here in Ghent... and afterwards: more paintingstuff to do
Don't forget to rock & roll!
Upcoming in november @ Magasin4 (Brussels): Wolves in the Throne Room and Wolvserpent... hell yh!

So... October arrived already! Since I grow older, I have the prominent feeling that time's speeding up... or maybe I'm just not conscious enough of everything, so that I let minutes/hours/... slip through the mazes?! No idea!
Anyway, I have 3 weeks off right now! About time... my last 'real' time-off was in April 2010 when we went to the majestic country of Nepal... sweet sweet memories! Unfortunately my gf switched jobs, and right now she hasn't got a lot of spare days... Since I work for the Flemish government (yes yes... public servant bureaucracy) I have quite a lot of vacational days off.
Well... 3 weeks off now. We moved back into our own house since most of the work has been done. Still waiting for 1 big window in the kitchen; and... for the kitchen itself... I hope that everything will be settled before the end of this month. We're getting a bit tired of things. Waiting here, asking for help there, etc. It sucks. Mostly because we're not quite handy ourselves... so we have to ask other people. Right now I've been working on the ceiling in the living room for 2 days, just to get the wood back into place. Next 3 days: painting, painting, and... yes... painting. We're going for minimalistic white

Lately we also have been cleaning up a lot... Boxes of stuff went to the 2nd-hand-store, lots of crap went to the containerpark. It's crazy how many little things one collects over the years! Things you hardly remember you had them... But it brings back peace of mind; I - myself - am quite chaotic in things, and my room/atelier is quite a mess; so... I hope than when we start putting isolation in the attic; I'll have a clean room to work and make music in

Speaking of music, I went to see Ufomammut / Morkobot and White Hills last saturday.... damn... What a blast! I've seen Ufomammut quite a few times right now, but Morkobot and White Hills blew me off my socks too! White Hills, was like... sex on stage or something like that?! Besides some hashish, no psychedelics were included that evebing, but they got me in some kind of a trance

Here you have a teaser:
A very nice evening, had some nice chitchats, cool music, veggie pizza's... and... a free sauna! Because the room was overcrowded and everyone inside was sweaty and moisty

Not to forget Ufomammut:
Lately I also made some progress on my right sleeve... haxagonal retro-like patterns are already filling in my lower arm. During the next sessions we'll work our way up and try some other patterns for the upper arm! I'm quite curious for the result.
In order to highlight the mantra in the teal-color... I'd like to have a turqouise 'glow' around it. My tattoo artist had set his mind on red to outline the mantra; but it's way too screamy... I know that if you have the wheel-of-colors, red would be quite complementary... but I don't feel the need to put 100% contrast in the mantra-stuff

In two weeks there's this big tattoo convention in Brussels

Last year I couldn't get in... I arrived sundayafternoon, a gigantic queue before the gates, and security decided to call it quits. Haha... I could get a ticket in advance this year; but I don't feel very comfortable at overcrowded places. Especially when I would like to check out the artists and tattoos at ease... and not being rushed by the crowd or simple not being able to have a close look at stuff.... Hmm hmmm... Must overthink.
I've read quite some SG people are going? And on the initial flyer they were saying that SG would also be present... if you're going... give me a sign

Speaking of Suicidegirls... and hopefuls... does anybody know where Zorah went? Lovely German metalhead SG hopeful! But here profile isn't active anymore? Hmmmzzzz....

If anybody knows here, feel free to ask her to contact me... I've read she had a new set coming up, so... would be quite a loss.
And speaking about new sets... be sure to check out these:
Mnemozyne - Chez Chacha

Sinnah - Love Lost

AnnaLee - Blushing

Damn... it's always a great looking-forward-to-seeing-new-AnnaLee-sets!
Plum - Sweet Disposition

Antiope - Dandylion

Liya - Summer Spent Indoors

Apory - Bonds

Over and out dear friends! Have to get back into action! Last summerish day for now; and I need to taste some sun... have some nice veggie delightful food at a cosy terrace here in Ghent... and afterwards: more paintingstuff to do

Don't forget to rock & roll!
Upcoming in november @ Magasin4 (Brussels): Wolves in the Throne Room and Wolvserpent... hell yh!