2nd tattoosession is over and done since last tuesday... Been tattooing the outlines of 4 buddhist swastika's (no no... not the ones the little moustacheman used) inbetween the Om Mane mantra... 2 of them already got filled in with dotwork...

Tattood skin is getting itchy now after a week... been smearing Bepanthol on it to ease the skin, haha... feels so good
Next session is the 10th of August... looking forward to that one... or maybe not, because my elbow and the inside of my upper arm is getting dotworked... auchie!
Curious too for the dotwork patterns that have to fill the rest of my arm... it's so goddamn difficult to choose?! Do other people also have that problem? I'll probabely go for some hexagon / honeycomb pattern with a 60ies filling; and some more organic flower-of-life alike patterns... Well, i have got some time left, that's probably for september
On to the house stuff! After some negative stuff with the contractor (he put too much concrete in the floor, is going too fast and forgetting lightswitches and so on,...) it's going full speed ahead again... It's finally getting some form...
Here I'm like Inspector Gadget, inspecting all the stuff:

And some more scenery pics:

It has been cold and rainy the last couple of days in Belgium... seems like autumn, pffttttzzz... I need some nice weather! After a long winter my bones start aching and I get some rheumatic pains in my joints... So I coulde use some sun!
Because of the lousy weather, my gf's birthday kinda fell into the water, hehe... we visited Bruges and some museumstuff... had nice dinner, and ofcourse: CAKE (iwith candles) :p

Juuuusttttt to be sure, she isn't 5 years old or something... but I couldn't get more candles on that piece of Nougatine-cake
It's "Gentse Feesten" here in Gent... big outdour festival with stages on all different locations in the city's places... special theater-stuff, art expo's,... etc etc. It's kinda nice, but the city get's too crowded then. We even have to get the help of 10 Dutch policemen to control the inflow of our upnorth neighbours
Haha... crazy! Because of the weather, less people show up too, so that's ok. If any of you people are visiting Gent in the upcoming days (chances are little I suppose), feel free to let me know 
Next weekend it's OCCULTRANCE time... spacerock and goatrance in a forest...also nice! I think i'll go for the bands and not really for the beats, because I don't feel like walking around on a scouts-party where too many kids are on psychedelics
No good!

So people, that's it for now... more to come soon!
Take care already and don't forget to rck on!
I'll leave you people with one of my all time fave classic rock songs... enjoy!

Tattood skin is getting itchy now after a week... been smearing Bepanthol on it to ease the skin, haha... feels so good

Next session is the 10th of August... looking forward to that one... or maybe not, because my elbow and the inside of my upper arm is getting dotworked... auchie!
Curious too for the dotwork patterns that have to fill the rest of my arm... it's so goddamn difficult to choose?! Do other people also have that problem? I'll probabely go for some hexagon / honeycomb pattern with a 60ies filling; and some more organic flower-of-life alike patterns... Well, i have got some time left, that's probably for september

On to the house stuff! After some negative stuff with the contractor (he put too much concrete in the floor, is going too fast and forgetting lightswitches and so on,...) it's going full speed ahead again... It's finally getting some form...
Here I'm like Inspector Gadget, inspecting all the stuff:

And some more scenery pics:

It has been cold and rainy the last couple of days in Belgium... seems like autumn, pffttttzzz... I need some nice weather! After a long winter my bones start aching and I get some rheumatic pains in my joints... So I coulde use some sun!
Because of the lousy weather, my gf's birthday kinda fell into the water, hehe... we visited Bruges and some museumstuff... had nice dinner, and ofcourse: CAKE (iwith candles) :p

Juuuusttttt to be sure, she isn't 5 years old or something... but I couldn't get more candles on that piece of Nougatine-cake

It's "Gentse Feesten" here in Gent... big outdour festival with stages on all different locations in the city's places... special theater-stuff, art expo's,... etc etc. It's kinda nice, but the city get's too crowded then. We even have to get the help of 10 Dutch policemen to control the inflow of our upnorth neighbours

Next weekend it's OCCULTRANCE time... spacerock and goatrance in a forest...also nice! I think i'll go for the bands and not really for the beats, because I don't feel like walking around on a scouts-party where too many kids are on psychedelics

So people, that's it for now... more to come soon!
Take care already and don't forget to rck on!


(and you're joke was so great dude !)
Actually i drive with my instructor, but i will ask my mother to drive a little with her before i pass my licence next week. I'm sure she will make me feel confortable.
Thanks for your advice, my favorite one is "fuck off, i can do it!", haha. I will think about it during i pass the test. I'm not that bad, i just need to gain self-confidence to succeed.
My driving lesson of today was good and i didn't do mistakes, now, i'm proud of me!