When my first kitten with FIP was diagnosed, many veterinarians told me that there was no cure and that it would be goodbye.
I had already spent a lot on exams and medicines and I didn't take the rest I had left and bought a camera, so I could record our farewell.
I took a lot of photos, we didn't know how long they would be with us, a deadline passed and even 4 months so I ended up with 3 films in a short time.
The idea of parting was not a pleasant thing for me, and it filled me with hope when a friend of mine, studying to be a veterinarian, told me that perhaps she had found an alternative, a trial treatment that could save my little ones, but that it would be very expensive.
I had just bought the camera, it was the first object I raffled off, it took a long time to close the raffle, and I was in a race against time, as they couldn't wait any longer.
And that's how I discovered that I could make money selling sexy photos, after Crochê, my first kitten with FIP plus her 3 brothers, Damon, Rita and David got sick and I also did several other rescues.
Today, I don't have a camera, no money in my account, but I have a heart and a house full of love, currently, we are 8 dogs, 18 cats and a turtle, a big family, full of second chances!
(I hope you read my blog featuring some of my warriors 🐾)