I just can't seem to get it right.
Boss called today and apologized and offered my job back, but I don't think I am going to take it. I told her no, and she told me I could come back whenever I wanted.
Chris doesn't want me to go back there.
I was thinking of going back to the club for a minute, and he doesn't want me to do that either.
I don't want my future husband working three jobs because I can't find a decent one. I'll go make some cash, and come home, and that will be that.
I just hope I can do it sober this time.
Just when I thought things were getting better...
Talked to the landlady today, she says she isn't giving me my deposit. Even though the house is in better shape than when I moved in. Fuck that.
She did say she'd send me a check for the thermostat that I replaced. But not the alarm system I had installed.
everyone can just go eat a dick. I just want to cry and sleep and not get out of bed ever again.
How am I going to pull all this off?
Not to mention I need a new couch because Nola won't stop pissing all over the one we have. That thing just needs to go. The couch, and maybe the cat. And that makes me sad too. How can I give away my precious kitty? I think he'd be a lot happier if he could go outside, but I have no way to let him come and go as he pleases.
I'm ruining everything.
Boss called today and apologized and offered my job back, but I don't think I am going to take it. I told her no, and she told me I could come back whenever I wanted.
Chris doesn't want me to go back there.
I was thinking of going back to the club for a minute, and he doesn't want me to do that either.
I don't want my future husband working three jobs because I can't find a decent one. I'll go make some cash, and come home, and that will be that.
I just hope I can do it sober this time.
Just when I thought things were getting better...
Talked to the landlady today, she says she isn't giving me my deposit. Even though the house is in better shape than when I moved in. Fuck that.
She did say she'd send me a check for the thermostat that I replaced. But not the alarm system I had installed.
everyone can just go eat a dick. I just want to cry and sleep and not get out of bed ever again.
How am I going to pull all this off?
Not to mention I need a new couch because Nola won't stop pissing all over the one we have. That thing just needs to go. The couch, and maybe the cat. And that makes me sad too. How can I give away my precious kitty? I think he'd be a lot happier if he could go outside, but I have no way to let him come and go as he pleases.
I'm ruining everything.
Happy Black Friday me dahlink - hope you had yourself a fanciful feast and a day of well deserved love and such. We are off to purchase our ballet tickets, go see The Incredibles, look at some vintage guitars for DA LOGIC and perhaps get our puppy.

This Just IN! We got a dog! A beautiful 5 month old female purebred Rottweiler. She is so precious - such a sweet girl. The princess wanted to be sure we shared this with you ~ Coco would be proud.