Monday...A kickass fucking day? Oh but it was. [Oct. 26th, 2004|12:26 am]
[ Ich fhle | excited ]
I don't know where to begin.
Work today was pretty good. It went well, without incident, and it was payday. And I got a raise. Fucking rock.
It just keeps getting better.
After work, we went to my dad's shop where we filled up the back of the mister's truck with boxes for the move. Talked to my uncles I haven't seen in awhile.
While we were there, the mister got a call back on a phone interview he had today. He got the job!!!! The pay is great, and he starts Wednesday. As in, day after tomorrow.
And I'm off work on Wednesday and my best friend and I are going to start packing the house. I'm really moving out of this motherfucker in two weeks.
We close on the house Monday.
I get off at 2 on Saturday, and I am off Sunday. It's gonna be sweet.
I kept my three month old godson for a few hours tonight. The funny thing was that the man spent about as much time taking care of him as I did. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.
We watched three episodes of Law and Order in a row tonight.
I forgot my dad's birthday because I'm an asshole. I get it from him.
Zeus is asleep in the floor in the hallway, I can hear him snoring in here, over the music and the TV in the other room.
Coco is asleep behind my chair, in her usual spot.
The cats are probably on the bed and on or under the couch or futon.
I'm gonna go take a shower and have sex and go to bed. It's a nightly routine I can handle.
This has been your emotional weather report.
and for the night....
Last time she jumped out the window, well, she only turned and
smiled. You might think she would say something, but you'd have to
wait a while.
Well the lady don't mind.
No, no, no, the lady don't mind
She just turns her head and disappears,
I kinda like that style
Little boat that floats on a river, it's drifting through a haze
She stops by whenever she wants to, well, there she goes again
Well, it's no trouble at all.
No, no, no trouble at all
Well, what she does
is all right with me, and
I kinda like that style
Come on. come on. I go up and down.
I like this curious feeling. I know, I see.
It's like make believe. Cover your ears
so you can hear what I'm saying.
I'm not lost but I don't know
Where I am. I got a question.
All right. All right. This is what we like.
Who knows, who knows,
What I'm thinking
She says love is not what she's after,
and everyone knows.
Each time she looks in the mirror,
she lets her feelings show.
Well, the lady don't mind
No, no, no, the lady don't mind.
Well, what she says is all right by me,
and I kinda like that style
Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here we go again
I don't know, I don't know,
What I'm sayin'.
Hey man. Hey man.
I sure don't feel the same
She likes to say what she's feeling
Hey. Did I get a big surprise.
I know you think so.
Come on. Come on. She says anything.
Who knows, who knows,
what she's thinking.
[ Ich fhle | excited ]
I don't know where to begin.
Work today was pretty good. It went well, without incident, and it was payday. And I got a raise. Fucking rock.
It just keeps getting better.
After work, we went to my dad's shop where we filled up the back of the mister's truck with boxes for the move. Talked to my uncles I haven't seen in awhile.
While we were there, the mister got a call back on a phone interview he had today. He got the job!!!! The pay is great, and he starts Wednesday. As in, day after tomorrow.
And I'm off work on Wednesday and my best friend and I are going to start packing the house. I'm really moving out of this motherfucker in two weeks.
We close on the house Monday.
I get off at 2 on Saturday, and I am off Sunday. It's gonna be sweet.
I kept my three month old godson for a few hours tonight. The funny thing was that the man spent about as much time taking care of him as I did. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.
We watched three episodes of Law and Order in a row tonight.
I forgot my dad's birthday because I'm an asshole. I get it from him.
Zeus is asleep in the floor in the hallway, I can hear him snoring in here, over the music and the TV in the other room.
Coco is asleep behind my chair, in her usual spot.
The cats are probably on the bed and on or under the couch or futon.
I'm gonna go take a shower and have sex and go to bed. It's a nightly routine I can handle.
This has been your emotional weather report.
and for the night....
Last time she jumped out the window, well, she only turned and
smiled. You might think she would say something, but you'd have to
wait a while.
Well the lady don't mind.
No, no, no, the lady don't mind
She just turns her head and disappears,
I kinda like that style
Little boat that floats on a river, it's drifting through a haze
She stops by whenever she wants to, well, there she goes again
Well, it's no trouble at all.
No, no, no trouble at all
Well, what she does
is all right with me, and
I kinda like that style
Come on. come on. I go up and down.
I like this curious feeling. I know, I see.
It's like make believe. Cover your ears
so you can hear what I'm saying.
I'm not lost but I don't know
Where I am. I got a question.
All right. All right. This is what we like.
Who knows, who knows,
What I'm thinking
She says love is not what she's after,
and everyone knows.
Each time she looks in the mirror,
she lets her feelings show.
Well, the lady don't mind
No, no, no, the lady don't mind.
Well, what she says is all right by me,
and I kinda like that style
Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here we go again
I don't know, I don't know,
What I'm sayin'.
Hey man. Hey man.
I sure don't feel the same
She likes to say what she's feeling
Hey. Did I get a big surprise.
I know you think so.
Come on. Come on. She says anything.
Who knows, who knows,
what she's thinking.

Right on, you always need a good break from packing. How much more do you have to go?