time for an update...
lately it's the usual, working and hanging out at home. Playing with the doggies, trying to relax, all of that.
and speaking of trying to relax, I think I'm going to go do that.
I do so love having a man that will clean the house while I am at work. and cook me dinner.
go my team!
and now, your moment of zen:

lately it's the usual, working and hanging out at home. Playing with the doggies, trying to relax, all of that.
and speaking of trying to relax, I think I'm going to go do that.
I do so love having a man that will clean the house while I am at work. and cook me dinner.
go my team!
and now, your moment of zen:

now you just need to convince him to give up the man card...and play more board games.......jesus we are all getting old.....as for the weather...let the colors change and bring on the frost....when things die in winter......spring brings us all anew