we hope that you choke...
nothing exciting really happens anymore. Late night tv rituals, frozen pizza. diet coke with lime.
got a new/old couch. feels nice, doesn't smell, doesn't match. two out of three ain't bad.
I found out some things. things I didn't know.
always the last to know.
I have to schedule some tests soon. cross your fingers. my luck has been that way these days.
only a few more days before I rejoin the ranks of the employed. Must decide what to wear.
almost there...
I have a confession to make. I'm a superhero. No, really.
see for yourselves.
question for you: What would you do if you found out you had cancer?
nothing exciting really happens anymore. Late night tv rituals, frozen pizza. diet coke with lime.
got a new/old couch. feels nice, doesn't smell, doesn't match. two out of three ain't bad.
I found out some things. things I didn't know.
always the last to know.
I have to schedule some tests soon. cross your fingers. my luck has been that way these days.
only a few more days before I rejoin the ranks of the employed. Must decide what to wear.
almost there...
I have a confession to make. I'm a superhero. No, really.
see for yourselves.
question for you: What would you do if you found out you had cancer?