it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
ok, not really. But at least the grass got mowed.
It stormed this afternoon, and I left my window partially down from when I left this morning, and now my seat is all fucking wet. I hate all this rain.
I went and applied for a job with my dad's friend today. hopefully I'll hear something good. This has just got to get better soon.
Although something has. My meat popcicle has decided I'm not too crazy to live with. This makes me a very happy girl.
the new kitten is a little hellion. He attacked my toes for a solid half hour this morning. But he's so cute....
I suppose I don't really have much to say, nothing interesting really happens to me anymore.
I've become the most boring person alive. Certainly the most bored.
All this weight gaining has got to stop.
this has been your emotional weather report.

ok, not really. But at least the grass got mowed.
It stormed this afternoon, and I left my window partially down from when I left this morning, and now my seat is all fucking wet. I hate all this rain.
I went and applied for a job with my dad's friend today. hopefully I'll hear something good. This has just got to get better soon.
Although something has. My meat popcicle has decided I'm not too crazy to live with. This makes me a very happy girl.
the new kitten is a little hellion. He attacked my toes for a solid half hour this morning. But he's so cute....
I suppose I don't really have much to say, nothing interesting really happens to me anymore.
I've become the most boring person alive. Certainly the most bored.
All this weight gaining has got to stop.
this has been your emotional weather report.

I've got my fingers crossed for you.

Come to Nashville with me! We can get Chuck drunk and take advantage of him like we did last time!