It's been a year since my last blog and I still have my LVAD and need to lose some weight to get put on the Transplant list. Just found out that even after I get a new Heart no more Tattoos for me.They worry about infection and rejection.So I'll keep looking for a tattooed Lady to keep me entertained.I thought my holes had healed for my nipple rings but I tried them a couple of weeks ago and got them back in.The left one did feel like a new piercing though for a couple of days.My LVAD has been a great ice breaker at times.After I tell them all the basic's I just tell them "I'm every woman's Dream man..A Real Battery Operated Buddy,My batteries last 16 hours and I pulsate and vibrate," It never Fails to get a big smile from all the ladies...Till later
And thank you, I'm feeling better already. New set before the end of the year, promise.
@ Arroia,I'm holding you to that.Looking forward to more Beautiful pictures of you.