there are some great things about living in nashville the cheap cigarettes, the... the... aww fuck i can't think of any more.
look at what i found belly up on my bathroom sink.
i gotta get the fuck outta my apartment!
Nothing works properly. the roof leaks. when i cook at home the house gets all stinky because the hood doesnt work, the dryer doesn't have an exaust so then it's all humid the airconditioner broke so i had to buy one from a pawnshop.
i have lightswitches to god know's what and the lightswitches that work (HA!) you have to fuck with them for about an hour just so the light stays on.
in the winter time i burn my monkey feet on the floor heater. there is no air circulation what so ever! all the knobs in the bathroom are broken and not labeled. i cant tell you how fun it is to scald my penis off right when i wake up.
and now i've got gigantic fucking roaches! that's what i love about the south. all matter of insects become fucking huge!!!
if you ever live in nashville carry a big stick and don't rent apartments from the guy who owns L&L restaurant supply.
he'll fuck you over.
look at what i found belly up on my bathroom sink.
i gotta get the fuck outta my apartment!
Nothing works properly. the roof leaks. when i cook at home the house gets all stinky because the hood doesnt work, the dryer doesn't have an exaust so then it's all humid the airconditioner broke so i had to buy one from a pawnshop.
i have lightswitches to god know's what and the lightswitches that work (HA!) you have to fuck with them for about an hour just so the light stays on.
in the winter time i burn my monkey feet on the floor heater. there is no air circulation what so ever! all the knobs in the bathroom are broken and not labeled. i cant tell you how fun it is to scald my penis off right when i wake up.
and now i've got gigantic fucking roaches! that's what i love about the south. all matter of insects become fucking huge!!!
if you ever live in nashville carry a big stick and don't rent apartments from the guy who owns L&L restaurant supply.
he'll fuck you over.
I love the specials! Thanks for stopping by!