Time for the weekly update I guess. I used to have twice daily updates, then daily updates, then every other day updates, now weekly updates. Hopefully in the next week or too I can get the time to go back to daily updates.
So I'm embarked on a crusade to finish all the work I wanted to do on my truck for the last, well six months or so. Really it's been an ongoing project since I bough the vehicle last December. Everynow and then thopugh I get a bug up my ass to finish what I start so I spent all day yesterday under the hood, fixing the fan clutch, replacing some other things, now all I have to do is fix one bearing seal leak and finish the ignition system and I'm done with the mechanical side of things. After that I can start fixing the few rust spots I have and I'll be done. That is until something breaks.
Other than that I've just been helping a friend of mine get started opening a bar and grille which he's been wanting to do for years now. I don't know squat about the restaurant biz, and all I know about bars is from time spent sitting at one, but I igure I can do all his painting, sheetrock and carpentry work and save him the money on that. Also it's nice to see some of my friends launching projects that they've talked about doing for years. It's kind of like '04 has become the year of getting off our collective asses and getting on with our lives.
Maybe that should be the slogan for when VH-1 does I Heart Whatever Decade This One's Going to beCalled but Don't Ask Me Because I Don't Know. Actually that show will just be about us sitting in this decade reminiscing about former decades we lived in and watching specials about said decades. And look I went off on a tangent here. Good for me.
Well that's it for ol' Hellbily today. I'm off to drive down to the armpit of New Haven to put my truck on a lift and put in a new rear pinion seal. don't be jealous though it's not nearly as exciting as it sounds.
So I'm embarked on a crusade to finish all the work I wanted to do on my truck for the last, well six months or so. Really it's been an ongoing project since I bough the vehicle last December. Everynow and then thopugh I get a bug up my ass to finish what I start so I spent all day yesterday under the hood, fixing the fan clutch, replacing some other things, now all I have to do is fix one bearing seal leak and finish the ignition system and I'm done with the mechanical side of things. After that I can start fixing the few rust spots I have and I'll be done. That is until something breaks.
Other than that I've just been helping a friend of mine get started opening a bar and grille which he's been wanting to do for years now. I don't know squat about the restaurant biz, and all I know about bars is from time spent sitting at one, but I igure I can do all his painting, sheetrock and carpentry work and save him the money on that. Also it's nice to see some of my friends launching projects that they've talked about doing for years. It's kind of like '04 has become the year of getting off our collective asses and getting on with our lives.
Maybe that should be the slogan for when VH-1 does I Heart Whatever Decade This One's Going to beCalled but Don't Ask Me Because I Don't Know. Actually that show will just be about us sitting in this decade reminiscing about former decades we lived in and watching specials about said decades. And look I went off on a tangent here. Good for me.
Well that's it for ol' Hellbily today. I'm off to drive down to the armpit of New Haven to put my truck on a lift and put in a new rear pinion seal. don't be jealous though it's not nearly as exciting as it sounds.
Who said anything about nylon?

too busy to update?!?!