There's something to be said for the feeling of getting something accomplished that you didn't think you could do. After probably 2 dozen phone calls to rental houses in the tri state and New England area I finally tracked down a cinema anamorphic lens adapter for a Panasonic DVx 100a. Granted I located it in Staten Island which is kind of like the dark side of the moon in NYC, but luckily they'll Fed Ex it to me. So finally after several weeks of trying to pull this whiole mess together, battling people's schedule, hard to find equipment and the weather, I might be able to shoot part of my film next week. Maybe. Hopefully. Of course once you overcome one major obstacle in the low budget film world five others jump up to take it's place. So I better enjoy tonight's feeling of satisfaction because tomorrow will present a whole host of new problems. Or just one big problem.
The funny thing is I really like doing what I do.
The funny thing is I really like doing what I do.
I've got nothing but
for you.

Happy 4th! What's 'on tap' for you, director?