Okay so here's a question to everyone. And it's a good 'un. So I've reached the threshhold of about all I can take with my job, which is a shame because I was hoping to keep it long enough to get the pre production work done on my film. But I got that whole self righteous pride thing which is just gonna be the end of me anyway. So the question is this. Since my boss is completely unfamiliar with Karma, and I feel it's about to come up and wack him hard between the eyes, do I: A) Quit on Thursday before I go South and then out to LA, or B) Suck it up, tough it out, and be around to watch Karma smack my boss between the eyes. I still go South and out to LA, so I have a week and a half or more off so I wouldn't loose that.
I admit it's a tough one. On one hand is pride and dignity. but that includes political losses ie, losing a few locations for my film that I need. On the other hand I get to be here when stuff goes wrong and while I'll have to swallow my pride I'd hate to miss the fun. Plus even if the karma thing kicks in I still won't lose locations.
Thoughts? Comments?
I admit it's a tough one. On one hand is pride and dignity. but that includes political losses ie, losing a few locations for my film that I need. On the other hand I get to be here when stuff goes wrong and while I'll have to swallow my pride I'd hate to miss the fun. Plus even if the karma thing kicks in I still won't lose locations.
Thoughts? Comments?
*standing outside yelling* Get in the damn car Hellbilly, we're going to the strip club tonight...all your questions will be answered there...
You know, like the great and powerful Oz...

I'd have to go with stickin' it out...getting to watch him get his...also..that way you won't be one of those who leave without giving notice...ect...Be the better person.