Everyone who was hankerin' for that story might have to hang on to their drawers for a bit. I got 8 million things to do and 2 hours to do them in. I have to clean my bathroom, clean the rest of the house kind of (it being such a wreck now I don't really care, I mean you can't polish a turd) go to the store and buy new sheets since my old ones are paint splattered (see previous journal entry) and all my linen stuff is in storage, take a shower, go to the gas station, and then drive to the airport to pick my friend up from the airport. So okay that's not 8 million things, but it's a lot of stuff in a short amount of time.
Some of you my be asking, " Why didn't you do this before?" Well the answer is I didn't know she was flying in for my birthday. She talked about it but she never got back to me. But she called me yesterday and said she was coming in. All this is cool though because she's one of my best friends and we haven't hung out but once since she moved to LA. She's also the person from the weather story, and so not only do I not have time now to write said story today, her roommate is an SG who also knows the story. I figure it's best to mention I might post it in my journal before Robin yells, " Holy crap Astrid read this!" I mean the story's pretty unique and it's not like it can be mistaken for one of my other stories. Anyway y'all know what I'm driving at. There's sometimes changing the names to protect the innocent don't really work.
So anyway I might not be on here this weekend as much as usual, but you never know.
In fact this being such a bad week a story might do us all a world of good. Also there should be lots of pictures from this weekend as well as more hillbilly motorcross pics. So keep your fingers and toes crossed kids. I'll talk to you soon.
Some of you my be asking, " Why didn't you do this before?" Well the answer is I didn't know she was flying in for my birthday. She talked about it but she never got back to me. But she called me yesterday and said she was coming in. All this is cool though because she's one of my best friends and we haven't hung out but once since she moved to LA. She's also the person from the weather story, and so not only do I not have time now to write said story today, her roommate is an SG who also knows the story. I figure it's best to mention I might post it in my journal before Robin yells, " Holy crap Astrid read this!" I mean the story's pretty unique and it's not like it can be mistaken for one of my other stories. Anyway y'all know what I'm driving at. There's sometimes changing the names to protect the innocent don't really work.
So anyway I might not be on here this weekend as much as usual, but you never know.
In fact this being such a bad week a story might do us all a world of good. Also there should be lots of pictures from this weekend as well as more hillbilly motorcross pics. So keep your fingers and toes crossed kids. I'll talk to you soon.
Strip club...hmmm...now there's an idea...

Make sure you have a fantastic birthday! Party away the misery of this week. we will all be here waiting for pics and stories!