So tomorrow I head on up to Charlotte. I'm actually looking forward to getting on the road and getting out of Florida. All the sunshine and palm trees can get old quick. Also I'm better at accesorizing my wardrobe for colder weather than warmer weather. Looking back on that sentence I'm not sure if that's how you spell " accesorize" I should probably watch more Queer Eye, but then again spelling ain't really their bag on that show. But speaking of Queer Eye my father got all pissed about the show while a bunch of my family was together a few nights ago. Some would say he was verhemently pissed. Me, I'd say he was visibly pissed, which can be easily mistaken by those not in the know, as vehement. The difference however is with visibly pissed the veins on my father's head stand out and there's a tone of suppressed rage. Vehemently pissed means things get thrown. Usually hammers and wrenches and the like. Other times furniture, or people. Being around my father at times can be an adventure. It's probably why I'm not into extreme sports. I've already survived him, and some assorted occupational misadventures, why press my luck? Anyway I'm getting off subject here, you'll have to watch me as I do that a lot. So yeah, Queer Eye. I forget what got him bent about the show. Some witnesses claim it had to do with him saying it's a show about a bunch of queers (his words) telling straight guys how to dress better. This was interpreted several ways. The first was that he meant, by dress better they meant dress and act... well, more gay. The second interpretation is my father's a homophobe. This is not true. My father's a lot of things, but he's not a homophobe. Both my sister and I have openly gay friends who my father has met and thinks are great people. I dated a girl who was bi sexual and my father had no problem with that (and to a 62 year old Roman Catholic there's no difference between being gay, lesbian, or bi, they're all equal in the eyes of the Church). There's lots of examples I came up with to prove my father's not a homophobe. I spent my entire weekend trying to convince certain extended family members of this. With no success I might add. However here's what I came up with that did convince them, sort of: My father was antiquing and restoring furniture before it was gay. It's not a tirade about being gay, or homophobic at all. It's a tirade against metrosexuality, and society forcing all of us into set patterns. Like gay males are keepers of all knowledge of fashion dress and decor. That all middle aged straight men are fat slobs who sit around and watch football. And so forth. My father detests labeling people because it assumes that the person your labeling has a lack of depth, or complexity of personality and their worth can be easily written off or explained away. So he lashes out at Queer Eye for failing to recognize this, and in turn is now considered homophobic by some of my family, and while I think I made my point as soon as I leave here it'll be forgotten.
So there you go strange insight into my family. Such as it is.
Here's some questions:
1) Got any good/funny/bizarre family stories? If so feel free to share.
2) What's the story behind your username name (you don't have to state your real name obviously), and what do you think it says about you?
3) What do you like best about yourself? What do you like least?
Holy crap look at this I'm even answering my own questions before anyone else does. Man aren't I great? Ooh look a bonus question.
1) I think I just did.
2) Hmmm, I don't know if it say's a lot. Most of my friends in the Northeast refer to my music selection as "hillbilly" and hillbilly uses both my real name, and the same number of syllables as my full name, so it seemed to fit. But at the time the username hillbilly was already taken, so I just changed the i to an e and there you go. Of course I do't know if it says anything about me, but what the hell.
3) I wasn't specific whether I meant phsyical, or personality, so I'll answer for both. Physically, I don't know. I'm so self deprecating at times it's hard for me to say anything positive about myself. But I'll go with my hair. Well actually everyone else will. Especially old Greek ladies, they love it. One woman asked my what dye combination I used to get the red and gold highlights. I told her Loreal #47. Unfortuately for her I haven't thrown hair dye on my head for many a year, and even then it could never be confused with my real hair color. This s not to imply I'm vain about my hair. Far from it. I just get it cut every now and again, and I just leave it shaggy. Too bad style caught up with me. And is this whole answer about my hair? Jesus Christ...
I guess personality wise I like my sense of humor. Which is too say at least I think I'm funny. It's just kind of an odd sense of humor, which lead's me to:
What do I like least about myself? My sense of humor. Well more that it gets in the way a lot. I have a hard time taking things in life seriously. Especially if things go really wrong. The world can be falling down around me, my whole life sliding into complete disarray, and I find it pretty funny.
Well this turned into one long ass journal entry. This ought to tide you kids over until I can get back on here on a daily basis, which should be in a few days. Anyone who wants to get instant (well reasonably instant) gratification about how great their answers to the aforementioned questions were, you can use that whole contact thing under my profile pic. It drops into an e-mail account I check when I'm on the road. Otherwise folks I'll catch you all at the end of the week.
So there you go strange insight into my family. Such as it is.
Here's some questions:
1) Got any good/funny/bizarre family stories? If so feel free to share.
2) What's the story behind your username name (you don't have to state your real name obviously), and what do you think it says about you?
3) What do you like best about yourself? What do you like least?
Holy crap look at this I'm even answering my own questions before anyone else does. Man aren't I great? Ooh look a bonus question.
1) I think I just did.
2) Hmmm, I don't know if it say's a lot. Most of my friends in the Northeast refer to my music selection as "hillbilly" and hillbilly uses both my real name, and the same number of syllables as my full name, so it seemed to fit. But at the time the username hillbilly was already taken, so I just changed the i to an e and there you go. Of course I do't know if it says anything about me, but what the hell.
3) I wasn't specific whether I meant phsyical, or personality, so I'll answer for both. Physically, I don't know. I'm so self deprecating at times it's hard for me to say anything positive about myself. But I'll go with my hair. Well actually everyone else will. Especially old Greek ladies, they love it. One woman asked my what dye combination I used to get the red and gold highlights. I told her Loreal #47. Unfortuately for her I haven't thrown hair dye on my head for many a year, and even then it could never be confused with my real hair color. This s not to imply I'm vain about my hair. Far from it. I just get it cut every now and again, and I just leave it shaggy. Too bad style caught up with me. And is this whole answer about my hair? Jesus Christ...
I guess personality wise I like my sense of humor. Which is too say at least I think I'm funny. It's just kind of an odd sense of humor, which lead's me to:
What do I like least about myself? My sense of humor. Well more that it gets in the way a lot. I have a hard time taking things in life seriously. Especially if things go really wrong. The world can be falling down around me, my whole life sliding into complete disarray, and I find it pretty funny.
Well this turned into one long ass journal entry. This ought to tide you kids over until I can get back on here on a daily basis, which should be in a few days. Anyone who wants to get instant (well reasonably instant) gratification about how great their answers to the aforementioned questions were, you can use that whole contact thing under my profile pic. It drops into an e-mail account I check when I'm on the road. Otherwise folks I'll catch you all at the end of the week.
Glad to hear from you. I miss your questions.