well how bout that first day back to work was a breez eased back into it fine witch is a big pluse ,we got a new big client for signage (Reble Sport) cool as i think cas its a lot of melborne work and i like melborne cas its nice and cool down there , a good change from brisbane ,,,, mmmm on the fun side om my growing life hahah the Big Fucking Day Out ,,ohhhhhh shhhhh ahhhhhh aaaa rrrr cant wate its gona be awsome have a few bands im into at the moment haha the ting tings haha yep iv been getting into them latly funny band i like there gona be sweet to see cand wate do rip up the grass with some killer dance moves haha ,, got everything sorted for it to witch is grate ,, got my old trusty cammel pack with extra skin witch i filling up with jagermister this year ,, see last year i took wiled terky and drank the hole thing and was i smashed it sorta sucked cas the heat and moshing just really got to me , but jager this year will be grate i think because it is ,haha

yes i wil be runing round in my cute dress and shooting loveheart arrows at people with my bow and arrow