well hellow hellow all
gee iv been bussy so much going on im my life atm its grate well i have finaly moved in to stafford hights and wow its grate so close to work a really grate house and my roommates are awsome really coop peops ,, iv fully seteld in ther too ,,
and awsome news to i went to my bestfrends 21st...
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gee iv been bussy so much going on im my life atm its grate well i have finaly moved in to stafford hights and wow its grate so close to work a really grate house and my roommates are awsome really coop peops ,, iv fully seteld in ther too ,,
and awsome news to i went to my bestfrends 21st...
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ahh awsome news im movin to stafford hights this weekend with some really mad people its gona be awsome nice 4 story house with pool table big network gaming room ,huge varander ,awsome people and only 15 minits to get to work woo hooo shore dose beat driving an houre and a half to get to work weeeeeeeeeeee

I kindof know where that is. I was on Falkirk street.
ahh i see how have u been ani who did u end checkin out hells gate ?
hay hay
woo hooo just borght myself a new toy its a bamboo tablet pen its awsome can do some really wicked things with it ohh yer its a lill hard to get your head around but in time i think i could do some really cool things with it ,,back home now to glade to say good by to melborne it was good to...
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woo hooo just borght myself a new toy its a bamboo tablet pen its awsome can do some really wicked things with it ohh yer its a lill hard to get your head around but in time i think i could do some really cool things with it ,,back home now to glade to say good by to melborne it was good to...
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I'm great, how about you?
Yawnnnn, it's 8 in the morning here and I don't want to wake up, lol!
Is Australia fun, I here they have some sweet surfing over there minus the sharks!
I love kicking back on a board on the ocean in the sun
Yawnnnn, it's 8 in the morning here and I don't want to wake up, lol!
Is Australia fun, I here they have some sweet surfing over there minus the sharks!
I love kicking back on a board on the ocean in the sun

god what a night im down in tommas town in melborn atm for the last week and it has been so hot ohh so bad 45 degrees so bad ha ,,insted of woring in the day we been working at night to beat the heat it works well got little head lamps to see in the dark haha awsome but god it tacks the life...
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no sweat, hate to see someone waste money on fish, especially expensive ones.
got the photo by keeping the lens open for a while and trying to stand still haha.
got the photo by keeping the lens open for a while and trying to stand still haha.
sick hair...
Nah, unfortunately. They only take me a few hours apiece, but I can never find good enough pictures to work with. That's why I joined SG.
ah what a day ,, easy one in the work shop then at 12 i got sent out to indro to put up some tollete signs cas some young hoolagans stole and damaged them haha and also redbank planes that was pritty intristing lot of crazy kids out there lol,,
oh im so getting geed up for big day out cant wate so much fun...
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oh im so getting geed up for big day out cant wate so much fun...
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and that little kid in the pic is TOO CUTE!
and that little kid in the pic is TOO CUTE!
who me wow lol
well how bout that first day back to work was a breez eased back into it fine witch is a big pluse ,we got a new big client for signage (Reble Sport) cool as i think cas its a lot of melborne work and i like melborne cas its nice and cool down there , a good change from brisbane ,,,, mmmm on the fun...
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got your message
wont have credit til wednesday xo

haha awesome
yes i wil be runing round in my cute dress and shooting loveheart arrows at people with my bow and arrow

yes i wil be runing round in my cute dress and shooting loveheart arrows at people with my bow and arrow

its all over now hay
back to work mm at least now i can print all my mosacs out on the big printers haha sweet
back to work mm at least now i can print all my mosacs out on the big printers haha sweet
it took me ages to find your email to reply to you becauase u changed your profile pic. but i found you!!
i am feeling better now thanks.
ive never done firetwirling but i used to go watch my friend do it and it was so cool.
i got my hand badly burned when i was little so i would probs be too scared to try it.
maybe one day..
it took me ages to find your email to reply to you becauase u changed your profile pic. but i found you!!
i am feeling better now thanks.
ive never done firetwirling but i used to go watch my friend do it and it was so cool.
i got my hand badly burned when i was little so i would probs be too scared to try it.
maybe one day..
hmmmm the wekend his here hay
well 2 more days then im back to work . W O R K haha dam its been good sleeping in painting ,taking photos,oh and drinking really grate ,but u know im not to inoied about goin back to work at leest i get to get out of town for a bit ,,mmm i wonder where there gona send...
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well 2 more days then im back to work . W O R K haha dam its been good sleeping in painting ,taking photos,oh and drinking really grate ,but u know im not to inoied about goin back to work at leest i get to get out of town for a bit ,,mmm i wonder where there gona send...
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I got roped into doing all this family stuff instead. I'll probably go check it out on Sunday though