Well WTF. Here it goes. I was real psyched to go ride with a bunch of fiends that I had not rolled with in a while yesterday at a place that I had not been to in nearly two years. Plus, I wanted to scout the DH course for the race that is to take place there on the 5th. Unfortunately, I was in no condition to ride having taken a blowtorch to both ends of the candle the last few weeks. The stress over my office purchase which seems to be taking forever, lousy eatting habits, and very little sleep I guess finally got the best of me. After a couple of endos, feeling dizzy, and energyless I rode back to my car only having gone barely a quarter of the way into the trail. I stole a power bar and some raisins from one of the other riders stashes and sat there feeling like shit. I chatted with the others upon their return from the loop went home a fell asleep for about three hours in the middle of a sunny afternoon. I suppose I needed it. I have to believe that it was better than getting hurt needlessly.
oh no i think it could be that dreaded age thing comin' on. man in the last year i have had to change up a lot of how i think, eat and whatever. i used to be a lot more active and in the last three years with the birth of our two boys i got into babysitting and out of shape. anyways don't worry(that's the bullshit i try to tell myself half the time) , there will be another sunny afternoon again real soon.