My trip to the casino did not go as well financially as the last time I had gone, I lost everything I went with and a hundred that my folks gave me. My mom and dad did well though, they won about a thousand dollars, which was the best they have done by far for a trip... Read More
Everyone needs to go and see Serenity this friday. Maybe many times to show people it was a great show and with luck they could possible bring it back.
It was not too bad, I did get to see a little of Happy Gilmore which I have not seen as of yet. I do like Adam Sandlers movies and this was no exception to the normal roles he does so was not to bad. I think I will have to actually sit down to watch some time.
As of right now I'm in KY at a community college, and not a really good one at that.
Next semester I'll be in Knoxville hopefully going to UT.
The Nashville move is so my boyfriend can attend Watkins the film school there.
I'd like to go to MTSU, they have great social work and anthropolgy courses which is what I'm going to school for. I just haven't completed decided which one. Thankfully a lot of the courses are a requirement for either, so maybe I'll just leave it as a double major.
What did you study?
Maybe a short little entry to the happy journal that I sometimes update
I dont know what I want to say I really just wanted to put something up here, this is kind of a self pity post, you know blah blah no one talks to me, no one leaves me any posts. I really can not complain, I very seldom post anything to other... Read More
Well the move is mainly because I have been in a long distance relationship with someone in Knoxville TN for about the past two years and we are getting bored with it... lol
However, also for school, and also for change.
Trying to update a little incase this gets read anytime soon.
I learned again why I dont play video games all that much, get suck into them just to quickly. Almost finished God of War, the first game I have finished ever I think. Well almost finished the very last battle the game locked up so that kind of sucked. Have not had the heart... Read More
Well I just finished The Half Blood Prince and can not say I was disappointed in the least. I will of course not say anything about the actual story in the event someone where to read this post that has yet to finish the book.
Other then that life is going pretty well and hope it stays that way.
So yes I am a Harry Potter geek, not as bad as some, I do forget a lot of what has happened in the last couple of books, but since I had to work last night I had to have someone else go to the store and pick up my reserved copy. I wanted them to bring it to work but could not ask that... Read More
Just got home from seeing Batman Beings, I really liked it, the only things I have a problem with is when he spoke in the Batman voice his face seemed too wide and although I liked the vehicle it seemed like a Batmobile that would be used for off roading not street driving. I can understand why they did it, they where trying to... Read More