The things I wished did not happen.
I really dont think that a T.V. show will ever be made again which sucks but I can hope for another movie.
Speaking of movies I helped make one the last two weeks. A bunch of people I know are really into the movie thing and entered a contest and I was able help. Not as much as I would have liked but at least some. I will let you know what happens.
I just got a call a little while ago that made me feel good and dont understand something. Why do people say they really like to hang out with me? I know most of you do not know me and very few will be reading this so it is really just a random post, but I really dont understand. In the past little while, and actually for a long time but fairly often of late, people have been saying things about how they like to spend time with me, they miss hanging out with me or how much they appreciate my friendship. None of this really makes any sense to me. I do not see myself as that interesting, hell I dont say very much most of the time. I can not see myself as being that nice to others, not nice enough to warrant this sort of sentiment. I am negative quite often or at least that is what people seem to know me as, and a sarcastic person. Many people who meant me at first think I am a huge asshole, of course there are almost as many that think just the opposite. It seems that is what happens one extreme or the other.
Just a little rant
if people are liking to hang out with you.. make the most of it!!