(insert maniacal cackles here) My mother is a piece of work, to put it kindly. Last Fri. night she and my dad went to their beach house and my little brother didn't want to go. He's allowed to stay home if I go stay with him. So she calls me and starts talking to me in her infamous "make me wanna hurl baby voice".
Her: Were you a GOOD big sister and did you stay with your YITTLE brother Friday???
Me: I stayed until 4:00 at which time I locked up, turned on the alarm and went home because I couldn't sleep. *starts baby-talking back* But BEFORE then, there was a keggarrrr, and and there was this nakey kinda GAME goin' on in the den. But but, I didn't PRYYYY because I wanted to give him his PRIVACYYYY. There were LOTSA them, so I figured it'd EMBARRASS HIM. That was the right thing to do, right MOMMY? Give him his PRIIIVACYYY?
Her: Were you a GOOD big sister and did you stay with your YITTLE brother Friday???
Me: I stayed until 4:00 at which time I locked up, turned on the alarm and went home because I couldn't sleep. *starts baby-talking back* But BEFORE then, there was a keggarrrr, and and there was this nakey kinda GAME goin' on in the den. But but, I didn't PRYYYY because I wanted to give him his PRIVACYYYY. There were LOTSA them, so I figured it'd EMBARRASS HIM. That was the right thing to do, right MOMMY? Give him his PRIIIVACYYY?

read my lj.. michael is an ass! men suck!