I got home too late from my great Hell City weekend to call my doctor and have a long chat. But she was nice enough to ruin my 7hr drive home by calling my cell after I was only one hour into the drive to let my know my biopsy results came back positive, the lump in my breast is malignant. I'm honestly in shock. But still terrified... And I've been randomly breaking into tears throughout the day. I have the names of 2 Oncologists to call tomorrow, and I guess I'll see where I go from here...
Hey. Youre still here. Youre still fighting. And when the fight floors you, youre not out, youre resting. Get back up and kick that fucker. You have such great support. Here, and IG. Use it. Ive no doubt youll beat this. And, Ive no doubt you'll be pink soon. Ive been along for the ride on IG for a while now, but your set dropping lead me here. Theres not a lot of punctuation, and prolly spelling errors, cause that tear broke my heart, and it got kinda blurry. Stay strong, we all love you <3