Because my debut set just went up in Member Review a couple of days ago, I thought I would share with you all the day I shot the set! 😊
It was back in early December, pretty chilly outside, but not nearly as cold as it has been lately!! I drove up to the Baltimore area in the morning to @zephi's house so she could try and do something with my hair. I'm pretty sure we chatted it up and drank coffee/tea more than accomplishing much with my hair, lol. After a couple of hours, I continued driving both of us up to @corwinprescott's place in Philly. We happened to get there like 1.5hrs earlier than we were supposed to, so we found a McDonalds near by. It was SOOO beyond sketchy, that we inhaled our food, then sat in my car taking funny pictures until it was time to head to Corwins house.
I wish I could show you all pictures of @corwinprescott's house because it is the most amazing house EVER!!! I met his wonderful wife, the super gorgeous Vauntastic 😍 , and of course Franco the Pug ❤️. I shot Sheer Heart first, and I actually shot a second set for Zivity (that remains unnamed and still unseen, but I'll let you all know about that ASAP!).
Here are some peeks from my set:
After shooting the sets, we all hung around for a little while talking it up. Then @zephi and I were lucky enough to meet @fabrizia!!! She was shooting with Corwin that day too 😊 Soon after that I drove Zephi home and continued on to my place.
It was a great day! 💙