VERY IMPORTANT BLOG. Im not going to update my blogs again until I get sufficient feedback! PS
VERY IMPORTANT BLOG. Im not going to update my blogs again until I get sufficient feedback! PS
I really need some ideas for my NASA tattoo. I need touchups pretty bad, but other than that, I will to add some things. Make it fuller! Im a huge fan of Full neck tattoos. I WANT YOUR IDEAS!!
I know it blurry, but bear with me.. I lost my memory card and I cant take a better picture at the moment!
Other news, none really. My boyfriend got me the cutest little gift that I just LOVE!!
tee heez
GIRLY!! I dont believe we have talked in a veryyyyy long time. Lets fix that
haha. Im never on here anymore..
just cuz i'm so busy and shtuff... SO, If you'd like toooo IM me on any kind of messenger shtuffff u use let me know. OR i'll send u my number and we can text and chitty chat that way

I may lightly shade the circle blue, like the actual logo. Just a thought.