ok, today was fucking amazing.
+ didnt have to go to work
+ woke up to my set being up
+ people said really nice things that made me smile alot!
- my car started making weird noises
+ all it needed was some oil
+ applied at 11 places today and ended up with 3 jobs.
+ watched viva la bam alot
- ate dry cheerios for dinner and felt sick after (fuck off, im poor)
+ checked here again and now my face is all mashed up from smiling and laughing too much.
- ran into someone i really wish i hadnt
+ i think something else good happened to but i forget what
im really tired...and tomorrow i start at one of my new jobs....i also PROMISE to reply to peoples comments but just give me some time.
and thank you thank you thank you to everyone that said nice things.....seriously. fucking thank you!
+ didnt have to go to work
+ woke up to my set being up
+ people said really nice things that made me smile alot!
- my car started making weird noises
+ all it needed was some oil
+ applied at 11 places today and ended up with 3 jobs.
+ watched viva la bam alot
- ate dry cheerios for dinner and felt sick after (fuck off, im poor)
+ checked here again and now my face is all mashed up from smiling and laughing too much.
- ran into someone i really wish i hadnt
+ i think something else good happened to but i forget what
im really tired...and tomorrow i start at one of my new jobs....i also PROMISE to reply to peoples comments but just give me some time.
and thank you thank you thank you to everyone that said nice things.....seriously. fucking thank you!

Love your set, and the cute little mole behind your left cheeck.
Chaio for now