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no one better ever suggest for me to update my journal while im that fucked up, just to see how funny it will be the next day.
that was not funny, that was just scary. hahah
last night. needless to say. was very very fun. met an awesome girl who i lve to death..which is weird because i normally dont get along with new girls when i go out. she said the same thing. no we are unstoppable. best friends at first sight!
work today at 4. then pepper grill tonight and kristen after i think.....then tomorrow early in the morning i am doing something wonderful!
no one better ever suggest for me to update my journal while im that fucked up, just to see how funny it will be the next day.
that was not funny, that was just scary. hahah
last night. needless to say. was very very fun. met an awesome girl who i lve to death..which is weird because i normally dont get along with new girls when i go out. she said the same thing. no we are unstoppable. best friends at first sight!
work today at 4. then pepper grill tonight and kristen after i think.....then tomorrow early in the morning i am doing something wonderful!
cool that someone else is also excited about out hud. streetdad got me to start dancing in my room again. something i didnt do for awhile. awesome. and i just read that xiu xiu's new album is coming out on july 12. double awesome.
helena muy buena...hows the weather in canadananana......i think i want to live their at one point of my life.....dude, last night i got so fucked up watching grupo fatasma and well hours later i was in the parking lot of our friends apt. it was his birthday that day.....anyways, it was these group of guys and they looked like my kind of material(im not gay) at least in my drunken eyes, so i go to their house and we're are being intelectual and such...haha...and i was like.,do you guys want to see a mangina.....so i showed them this pic i posted on here , and dammit i was showing off my goods to boys....its a digusting pic, but the moment was the funniest moment of my life...well at least one of the many......anyways im good friends with thisisit and i saw you on his journal, you looked interesting.......i love this site