Finished uni today. I thought I'd be happier about finishing...I don't really feel anything. And if by any chance I don't pass something I don't even care. I have had enough of school. Fuck it. I'd rather do philosophy on my own anyway.

Two things making me happy right now.

Relocating. Zurich. Aug 25ish.

And one more summer out in the bush.
I need some...
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So much to do when there's nothing to be done.

I have three weeks left of my undergrad. I love Guelph, I am going to miss it so much. frown

I might have an internship back home, and I also might have a job in the other "back home" in Switzerland. As great as the internship would be, I'm scared of getting trapped in that town. I need to float around and Switzerland would be a...
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thank you for commenting on my American Psycho set, I appreciate it!
So my friend who was supposed to come visit me isn't. Apparently last night he had a few drinks, went to the strippers and fucked up his car (steering column i think he said) and is not going to be able to drive across the province. I might have to demote him from #7 crush. I said he was my most fun/weirdest friend...smart is not...
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Dang. That does suck!

In more ways than one! Demotions are never a good thingfrown

But come on... smarts don't always have to count... ah who am I kidding, of course they do.
Actually, he ended up making it. He sweet talked some lady at a parts place to express ship whatever it was he needed.
Smarts always count! You can only just look at someone for so long.

Haha...Demotions on my crush list are frequent. And not necessarily bad.
I have been so happy as of late.

My nerdiness is in high gear. I went to a lecture today on Plato by this U of T classics prof. Intimidating at first, but I got super into it. AND on tuesday Arthur Danto is speaking here. Which should be cool.
In other school news, I have developed a major big girl crush on one of...
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I like how you number your crushes. How high is your count at?
I like to keep a rough top ten and then just make adjustments whenever needed.
I'm not down with this whole "Family Day" thing. Maybe we should change how Rememberance Day is treated instead of just giving everyone the day off in the middle of February for no apparent reason. It's all so odd to me.

Little trip to Toronto tomorrow. Pretty excited.
wait...you're complaining about getting a day off from the daily grind? i'm missing something here...
Wintersleep ce soir! smile


go leafs.
hey thanks! the band has no website yet. we are working on getting some recording done first.

i like this song. are they a canadian band? i like the guy's voice.
ok, now you did it on purpose?