Alright the Edmonton Beach party was in my mind a cinematically impressive event. I think I was actually asleep and watched one of those "GO" type of movies.
First of all the house party! I was proving again that I'm the Master of all things Tetris. Indeed I had a come from behind domination win over Manchester Black. Who actually besides being a kickboxer, is actually a pretty good block spinner himself. And wise. As he avoided playing cards with me.
Speaking of cards! I actually lost, what the hell
to manden! Damn him and his tricky trickyness.
Which leads to the sleeping at 8am in the morning to be awoken by the Karla's.
We decided that instead of calling them Karla and Rue, we just named them the Fun Karla and the Other Karla.
And then the actual beach party where we proved that paddleboating is an actual aquired skill, and that when girls are losing strip volley ball they don't always pay out.
And that Aoede had a wicked serve! Speaking of Aoede next time anybody see's her, go and point at her breasts and say "See you have boobs!"
And as for boobs, wow while there are few edmonton SG's actually around, my are they fine looking....growl!
Then the best japanese food in the world was consumed at mikado. After that I was found doing a flying leap into Suburbs from the car so that I could get stamped for free. Entry time 901 pm on the dot ." Super Cheap Chinaman!"
Manden didn't get stamped as he was in a second vehicle which didn't park illegally in front like we did. Silly law abiding citizens.
Now this is where it actually gets crazy. Charles 1 and Joyful Demises car is ransacked. And all their stuff is jacked. For more information on how you can help the "Get their Music replaced" project see Charles1. Me, I'll happily burn whatever they were taken if I have it , and give them my originals. (I rarely listen to them anyway).
Then they had to head back to Calgary early, because Joyful may actually demise without her suppy of live giving pills (which were jackeD) I hope whoever stole their stuff get's their asses kicked.
But back at Suburbs, all was well for our hero Samson, as he was dancing away in his priestly outfit. He also got tied into amazing melancholyness which he had to banish with some
Kitty Pirate skills.
Ahhh nothing like some drama in other people's lives to give clarity to my own ability to ride the waves of drama out of my live. ON the dating front, I also realized that I must be sending off some pretty powerful vibes to girls with ex's on their brain.
The last 3 girls I've gone and spent time with, all had their ex's luggage still in thier emotional trunks. Strange hunh? I've just come out of a 3 yr relationship, but I don't feel too odd. I am in super cautious, 1 toe in the water at a time mode.
I just know that I didn't want to Settle. Settling is not love. That's why it was scary breaking up with my ex. I had to wonder will it ever be this good again? I can only hope so, as I really am holding out for a hero. Have you ever seen the movie Shrek 2? When their singing "Holding out for a Hero" that's how I feel. Dating by Default is a bad bad idea.
And now 2 poems for anybody who is stil all moping away in the sadness of dating.
Samson's Ode to Emily Dickenson
I had a bright gem in my hand
and looked at it all night, then I got tired
and fell asleep
with intentions of looking at in the morning
but alas during my slumbers
the gem dissapeared and all I awoke to
was a memory
Samson on a sheep farm
I cannot believe I'm in a sheep farm in Wetaskiwin
Sheep. For real. Big wooly headed sheep.
I lie on a blanket to watch the stars.
With a potential package of Melodramite's and Cheese
"Melodrama! It's not just for Breakfast anymore!"
Not much drama occurs,
I wrench my knee.
Why did I come to a sheep farm?
Because the first date of the afternoon (I scheduled 2 in one day)
"wasn't quite as ready for dating" as she thought.
First of all the house party! I was proving again that I'm the Master of all things Tetris. Indeed I had a come from behind domination win over Manchester Black. Who actually besides being a kickboxer, is actually a pretty good block spinner himself. And wise. As he avoided playing cards with me.
Speaking of cards! I actually lost, what the hell

Which leads to the sleeping at 8am in the morning to be awoken by the Karla's.
We decided that instead of calling them Karla and Rue, we just named them the Fun Karla and the Other Karla.

And then the actual beach party where we proved that paddleboating is an actual aquired skill, and that when girls are losing strip volley ball they don't always pay out.
And that Aoede had a wicked serve! Speaking of Aoede next time anybody see's her, go and point at her breasts and say "See you have boobs!"
And as for boobs, wow while there are few edmonton SG's actually around, my are they fine looking....growl!
Then the best japanese food in the world was consumed at mikado. After that I was found doing a flying leap into Suburbs from the car so that I could get stamped for free. Entry time 901 pm on the dot ." Super Cheap Chinaman!"
Manden didn't get stamped as he was in a second vehicle which didn't park illegally in front like we did. Silly law abiding citizens.
Now this is where it actually gets crazy. Charles 1 and Joyful Demises car is ransacked. And all their stuff is jacked. For more information on how you can help the "Get their Music replaced" project see Charles1. Me, I'll happily burn whatever they were taken if I have it , and give them my originals. (I rarely listen to them anyway).
Then they had to head back to Calgary early, because Joyful may actually demise without her suppy of live giving pills (which were jackeD) I hope whoever stole their stuff get's their asses kicked.
But back at Suburbs, all was well for our hero Samson, as he was dancing away in his priestly outfit. He also got tied into amazing melancholyness which he had to banish with some

Ahhh nothing like some drama in other people's lives to give clarity to my own ability to ride the waves of drama out of my live. ON the dating front, I also realized that I must be sending off some pretty powerful vibes to girls with ex's on their brain.
The last 3 girls I've gone and spent time with, all had their ex's luggage still in thier emotional trunks. Strange hunh? I've just come out of a 3 yr relationship, but I don't feel too odd. I am in super cautious, 1 toe in the water at a time mode.
I just know that I didn't want to Settle. Settling is not love. That's why it was scary breaking up with my ex. I had to wonder will it ever be this good again? I can only hope so, as I really am holding out for a hero. Have you ever seen the movie Shrek 2? When their singing "Holding out for a Hero" that's how I feel. Dating by Default is a bad bad idea.
And now 2 poems for anybody who is stil all moping away in the sadness of dating.
Samson's Ode to Emily Dickenson
I had a bright gem in my hand
and looked at it all night, then I got tired
and fell asleep
with intentions of looking at in the morning
but alas during my slumbers
the gem dissapeared and all I awoke to
was a memory
Samson on a sheep farm
I cannot believe I'm in a sheep farm in Wetaskiwin
Sheep. For real. Big wooly headed sheep.
I lie on a blanket to watch the stars.
With a potential package of Melodramite's and Cheese
"Melodrama! It's not just for Breakfast anymore!"
Not much drama occurs,
I wrench my knee.
Why did I come to a sheep farm?
Because the first date of the afternoon (I scheduled 2 in one day)
"wasn't quite as ready for dating" as she thought.
Bwahaha, I like being the Fun Carla. I still think we should call _rue Hot Carla, though.
I maintain that you guys were betting your clothes, and that we were just accepting your sacrifice to the altar of our hotness.
Aoede: you do so.
Mmm, sushi.
I think possibly one of the unfortunate coincidences that led to char1es' car getting ransacked was we passengers' piling out in a great rush to get in before cover. Which didn't happen anyway.
Maybe girls who are recently broken see the gentleness and kindness in you
Also, I definitely did call Chapters in St. Albert and leave a message with your contact info, so hopefully you'll be getting a call from Brian in the next day or two to ask you about how awesome I am
Edited to add: We should have more get-togethers! This has been a most awesome weekend, and SGers are my favourite-est people! We shall have to see what other adventures we can come up with.
[Edited on Aug 23, 2005 10:13AM]