today i am awake bleary eyed and awonder, what makes a man a man is it the quest for glory! glory! glory!
ahhh run ronny run, i do dig ya. if you haven't seen it , go see it.
last night after we came home we went to visit our friend at the sidetrack where he was bouncing, and it was not fun at all. it was busy but soooo boring. I again realize that I am super duper picky about the people i talk to. what's with that
Also i have developed several sneaky plans to invite all the SG people i met to my house for another party.
especially since i haven't even gone out to the stinkin' lake all summer.
ahhh run ronny run, i do dig ya. if you haven't seen it , go see it.
last night after we came home we went to visit our friend at the sidetrack where he was bouncing, and it was not fun at all. it was busy but soooo boring. I again realize that I am super duper picky about the people i talk to. what's with that
Also i have developed several sneaky plans to invite all the SG people i met to my house for another party.
especially since i haven't even gone out to the stinkin' lake all summer.

Yeah, I would totally like to see you again and hang out. I wouldn't worry too much about whether or not it should be a beach party or bbq, we'd all be playing cards indoors anyway...methinks.
And in regards to organization..."why do it yourself when you can get someone else to do it for you..." ( *cough cough* misguided)