Alright a week into my excursions with peerflix and I now have recieved 2 discs....
1. It has cost me ZERO trade dollars!
2. Peerflix sent me a free dvd to KEEP (master and commander-which I promptly traded out again Laughing )
1. Still recieving discs slowly
Just to clear up some confusion for anybody like myself who is thinking of signing onto peerflix (they have some very unhelpful faqs)
Peerbux is what you get when you mail off a dvd that somebody else has requested. Usually about 2 or 3 peerbux a movie.
Tradecredits: What you pay peerflix for insuring the whole transaction. They charge a buck for each dvd you RECIEVE.
I was so confused about the difference at first.
Now onto How to get Discs quickly[/color]
FRIENDS vs General Public....
The way you get discs in the mail is you make up a "DVD's I want list" and as long as you have the peerbux and tradecredits available they start sending you stuff.
If you have FRIENDS on the site, you can directly send them the discs and skip the waiting in line.
For example if you want Fantastic four you have to wait 3 turns. That means the disc is sent to Amy then from her to Bob then from him to Carla....after Carla is done watching it, YOU get it.
but if you are friends with AMY
AMY when she is done can either just hit "send to next person" or send to "my friend Samson" !
Wow! A lot less waiting
I hope that helps explain the system a bit better and if you want to friend me hit this link....
1. It has cost me ZERO trade dollars!
2. Peerflix sent me a free dvd to KEEP (master and commander-which I promptly traded out again Laughing )
1. Still recieving discs slowly
Just to clear up some confusion for anybody like myself who is thinking of signing onto peerflix (they have some very unhelpful faqs)
Peerbux is what you get when you mail off a dvd that somebody else has requested. Usually about 2 or 3 peerbux a movie.
Tradecredits: What you pay peerflix for insuring the whole transaction. They charge a buck for each dvd you RECIEVE.
I was so confused about the difference at first.
Now onto How to get Discs quickly[/color]
FRIENDS vs General Public....
The way you get discs in the mail is you make up a "DVD's I want list" and as long as you have the peerbux and tradecredits available they start sending you stuff.
If you have FRIENDS on the site, you can directly send them the discs and skip the waiting in line.
For example if you want Fantastic four you have to wait 3 turns. That means the disc is sent to Amy then from her to Bob then from him to Carla....after Carla is done watching it, YOU get it.
but if you are friends with AMY
AMY when she is done can either just hit "send to next person" or send to "my friend Samson" !
Wow! A lot less waiting
I hope that helps explain the system a bit better and if you want to friend me hit this link....
Your blog has slightly confused me... Peerbux? Interesting.
Well anyway, I hope all is going well with you.
Take care