hahah we need to do that! We always forget what's coming when we go back to try to get rainbows.
Snake Pit is Hard 1 and it IS hard. Make sure you don't buy interest and just get fire first and then the hive, or else you're screwed.
We failed it so many times!
i've been kinda busy since school started up again... i go all week... it sucks ass
BUT I GRADUATE at the end of fall quarter.... YAYAYAY. i talked everything over with with the director of the program (who's also my flash teacher) and it's all set... i just turn in my paperwork at the beginning of next quarter.
so my flash final turned out lovely, I did a flash website for Ren & Stimpy, my teacher loved it! AND VERY GOOD NEWS, I'll be graduating here soon, summer quarter if I can manage to take 4 classes at once... i can't want to get a real graphics-esk job.
one of my good friend's website just launched this past week, so if you're into... Read More