I just got into playing Assassins Creed...

and I'm really enjoying it so far.
other news, I got my grades... all A's... wooo! I was really thinking I was going to get a B for my flash class... so I was really pleased! I also finished The Golden Compass, which was lovely... I'd recommend it to anyone... PLEASE don't watch the movie though... it sucks ass.
new picture of the hubby and his parents mastiff, Brutus, he's a big baby

i love the boys

and I'm really enjoying it so far.

other news, I got my grades... all A's... wooo! I was really thinking I was going to get a B for my flash class... so I was really pleased! I also finished The Golden Compass, which was lovely... I'd recommend it to anyone... PLEASE don't watch the movie though... it sucks ass.

new picture of the hubby and his parents mastiff, Brutus, he's a big baby

i love the boys

awww...I love those dogs. so sweet.