Hi everyone, sorry I haven't really wrote any blog homework lately. I need to really get into a better habit of doing it.
What would you wish for if a genie granted you 3 wishes?
There's so many things someone could wish for to help the world but im going to be greedy here.
1 - A teleport : as of lately I've been feeling pretty down about this topic when people discuss travel plans with me. There's so many things I want to be able to see in my life. I even have a bucket list for just Canadian things. In a lot of big cities there's huge statues I guess, like tourist attractions. I've already knocked a couple off (The Lobster in Shediac NB, Apple in Cobourg ON, Nickel in Sudbury and the Goose in Wawa). But as of lately I feel like ill never be able to accomplish this, another place I want to go is Scotland, and somewhere warm. I've only been to Dominican when I was like 14 other than that I've rarely even left Ontario or my town.
2- Money : who wouldn't wish for money? it would help so many people. I could pay off my student loan, my car and other debts. and then I might be able to travel in my private jet.
3- I wish I wouldn't even have a reason to wish at all.
My first Job...
Oh my first job brings back so many memories, I was 16 and it my was my moms friends convenience store. Seriously this was probably my favourite job. I made some really awesome friends when I worked there. Plus the town was full of cute boys my age so I was a happy girl. The one guy I worked with Marc was awesome. I was always so happy when we got to work together. We seriously had so much fun. We did so much stupid shit in that store, shooting pen caps with elastics, racing remote cars, zapping each other with those damn electric fly swatters. SO many great memories. I even got my oral web pierced in the bathroom! I know now this was a really bad idea but I was 16 I didn't think of that stuff or know what I know now at 26. Even better we had a slush puppie machine so it was always fun to come up with new combinations of flavours. did you know Fresca is really good with like every flavour? and we had ice-cream, I was in heaven.
Best advice dealing with haters / what has social medias impact been on your life?
My best advice for deal with a hater is don't engage, although sometimes I do. some people just need to be put in place. People think its okay to voice their opinions on the internet about other peoples bodies, and I completely understand that im putting myself out there for all this its going to happen I know. don't waste time in fighting back with someone who's just trying to get a rise out of you. But sometimes people need to be put in their place. Bully is not and never will be okay. Regardless of whether im naked on the internet it doesn't give you any right to degrade me as a human. So with that, social medias impact has made me a stronger person In a sense, I use to care about what people thought and when I first started my SGH journey rude comments hurt. now I laugh, block and delete. I don't care what people think anymore. This is who I am, take it or leave it, im not going to change who I am to make you happy. How do you deal with haters?
xo Heidi
@missy @Rambo @lyxzen