The latest blog homework topic is New Year's Resolutions
I'm the worst for making them and never following through. Last year I made 2.
1 - to lose weight (which is usually the same every year)
2- to start an RSP (which I did in December haha)
this year of course im going to stay with the lose weight. I know a lot of people think I'm fine the way I am and thank you seriously my confidence has never been so high since joining this site. BUT some days I don't feel like it, so I want this year to be different. It would be a lot easier to do if there was a gym within distance from me but its over an hour drive. I bought an elliptical for myself for Christmas so that helps a lot. I try and go on for at least 20 minutes once im done work. Do you know any good at home workouts?
I also really want to shoot more this year. ive been craving shooting since my last shoot with @shaine for my second set. Which comes out in 1 month just an FYI haha. I want to start doing Zivity sets in-between set for SG I think it will really help me out. I already have an idea for my 3rd set or a zivity set. If there was any theme youd like to see me do in the future what would it be?
I would also love to meet some hopefuls and SG's this year! shoot fest anyone?
I also want to be a lot more active when it comes to meet ups. al though I'm not sure many happen around the Ottawa area.
Basically I just want to be the best version of myself for 2015, and I think those are some pretty good ideas. I guess we will see in a year if any happened haha
so what about you, do you have any resolutions?
Heidi Mae