so I haven't wrote a blog in a while. The topics have been great, but I'm horrible at writing and I couldn't think of anything to actually write about. This weeks topic is pet peeves and I know I have many so here are the ones that really bother me
Chewing or talking with a full mouth. seriously!!!! can it not wait 2 seconds until you are finished chewing it. I do not want to see your half chewed food.
texting while in the middle of a conversation. I know I have done this a few times, but I think it mostly bothers me at work. The girl I work with is constantly doing it. when i'm asking her work related questions (then I have to repeat it) it fucking drives me insane!!
Friends who bail on you after plans have been made. I understand that sometimes things cant be helped but when you give me a shit reason. fuck you! this is the main reason why I don't have very many friends, mostly the people who live in my apartment building
Being late. this one kind of goes with the one above, but if we make plans (and you actually show up) please be on time.
I know there's plenty more. but its lunch time and I'm hungry haha.
Heidi Mae