So my brother and I were talking about porn the other night (that's weird, right?) and he mentioned this site to me: Beautiful Agony. WHOA. It's like an art project and a porn site in one. It's all these videos of people having orgasms -- but the videos are only of their faces. That's it. No naughty pink bits, nothing jiggling, just people screwing...
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I don't know if they line up properly. I think it depends on what shoes we're wearing and how drunk we are.
I totally love that site! wink

I'm here. Good Lord, I'm here.

I'm rocking in an apartment on the Lower East Side with three other girls and it's like a mad sorority every day. Less than a week here and I've secured a short-lived temp job at a major publishing house. See also: snagged a cute orange tweedy sweater for 6 bones. I can do this, right? I can do...
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Tell me about it! Sister needs some lovin.

It was fun, but very weird. A friend of his was murdered last night and he found out, like, on the way to our date. Wow.
Heggar in the East. Kick Ass. We need to cause trouble as often as humanly possible. By "cause trouble" I mean Iron Chef style cookoff. 307 will represent all over your ass!
Things to do before moving:
1. Find a place to store all my worldly goods (for a fee, of course)
2. Find a place to store my automobile (for no fee, I hope)
3. Buy a plane ticket
4. Buy luggage
5. Find a home for my ornery hamster since he apparently cannot fly with me
6. Find a home for my elderly fish, since...
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You know, for a holiday weekend, this sure has been anti-climactic. Don't get me wrong, Thanksgiving was marvelous. I had a brilliant road trip with my family, spent hours and hours in the kitchen with my Papa making extraordinary amounts of tasty vittles, goofed around with small children, knit several rows on my scarf, and sang harmonies in the car on the road home. But...
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smile Merry Christmas to you guys, too.

Another night, another trivia victory. You know, of all the things I'm worried about when I move East in January, finding a good place for pub trivia and a friendly soccer team are two of the biggest. Driving across the country in the dead of winter? Surely. Finding a job? I know I can do it. Staying in contact with my friends and family despite...
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Wow, hi. I don't know if I'll be in town for New Year's this year... man, you so missed me being SO FUCKING DRUNK and drunk dialing dunx at 2 am last year. Classic.