i would like to hear about peoples views on open mindedness, tolerance, and understanding.
you see, i feel there isnt enough of any of these things in the world today. and im not just talking about for the people with an alternate lifestyle, or new beliefs, or a less than mainstream religion.
im look white.actually, i am native american , scotch , irish , italian , mexican , and black. im just as proud of my white-ness as i am about any other part of me, becasue the mixture makes who and what i am, and i love who and what i am.
i believe in God. i believe we were all created by a supeior being. i dont think evolution is a valid argument, i have facts and figures that suppoert my beliefs, which i would be happy to share in another forum, but i belive that it has been proven to my satisfaction.
i believe in an afterlife. i believe in personal freedoms, including the right to keep and bear arms. im conservative. its already against the law to kill people, any more legislationis simply something to keep lawyers busy and liberals happy. if someone wants to kill someone else, the will do whatever it takes. its as easy to kill a man with a board with a long nail driven through it, as it is to shoot them. and if i dont get to carry my gun, it might be me with a nail hole in my head.
i dont think sexual preferences give anyone minority rights.
do i think that people with opposing beliefs are wrong? yes.
do i like people with opposing beliefs? some of them.
because people are not defined by thier beliefs. the guy i am closest to in the world is a gay black man,hes an evolutionist muslim.( i didnt know that existed) he invited me to a rally at the air guard base. i went, even though i dont belive in public protest. even though its stupid to bash soldiers for the orders that beauracrats make. 11 people turned out. i stayed for 7 seconds or so. 9 of the people there simply used a "protest rally" for an excuse to smoke dope in public. they didnt have a clue about any issue, other than the legalization of pot.
i have invited my friend to help with a correspondance program. children from local schools write letters that are forwarded to soldiers in the theater of operation.
support of our brothers fathers and sons that are in harms way right now is crucial.those men are there to defend against a mad man. to stop genocide of the kurdish people, and to stop a nuclear threat that is as real as sunshine. i will admit readily there is a TON of propaganda released by the government, but i also know, for a fact, that there are things in iraq that just need stopped. i know because i have seen them.
do my beliefs and feelings make me uncool? i dont car if they do.
would i defend someones right to have opposing views?
right down to the ground. its fuckin america. there is room for everyone, have a little tolerance. for everyone. and open your mind.
you see, i feel there isnt enough of any of these things in the world today. and im not just talking about for the people with an alternate lifestyle, or new beliefs, or a less than mainstream religion.
im look white.actually, i am native american , scotch , irish , italian , mexican , and black. im just as proud of my white-ness as i am about any other part of me, becasue the mixture makes who and what i am, and i love who and what i am.
i believe in God. i believe we were all created by a supeior being. i dont think evolution is a valid argument, i have facts and figures that suppoert my beliefs, which i would be happy to share in another forum, but i belive that it has been proven to my satisfaction.
i believe in an afterlife. i believe in personal freedoms, including the right to keep and bear arms. im conservative. its already against the law to kill people, any more legislationis simply something to keep lawyers busy and liberals happy. if someone wants to kill someone else, the will do whatever it takes. its as easy to kill a man with a board with a long nail driven through it, as it is to shoot them. and if i dont get to carry my gun, it might be me with a nail hole in my head.
i dont think sexual preferences give anyone minority rights.
do i think that people with opposing beliefs are wrong? yes.
do i like people with opposing beliefs? some of them.
because people are not defined by thier beliefs. the guy i am closest to in the world is a gay black man,hes an evolutionist muslim.( i didnt know that existed) he invited me to a rally at the air guard base. i went, even though i dont belive in public protest. even though its stupid to bash soldiers for the orders that beauracrats make. 11 people turned out. i stayed for 7 seconds or so. 9 of the people there simply used a "protest rally" for an excuse to smoke dope in public. they didnt have a clue about any issue, other than the legalization of pot.
i have invited my friend to help with a correspondance program. children from local schools write letters that are forwarded to soldiers in the theater of operation.
support of our brothers fathers and sons that are in harms way right now is crucial.those men are there to defend against a mad man. to stop genocide of the kurdish people, and to stop a nuclear threat that is as real as sunshine. i will admit readily there is a TON of propaganda released by the government, but i also know, for a fact, that there are things in iraq that just need stopped. i know because i have seen them.
do my beliefs and feelings make me uncool? i dont car if they do.
would i defend someones right to have opposing views?
right down to the ground. its fuckin america. there is room for everyone, have a little tolerance. for everyone. and open your mind.
Even though I don't agree with all of your views, I very much respect you now for sharing them. It does take guts to do that. A lotof people find it very easy to keep quiet and avoid attracting any sort of attention to themselves. Kudos to you.