Here's the thing. Has anyone heard of "snow Tubes"? they are everywhere here, and there are stories on the news about em, and they areFREAKY!!! varying in size from an inch tall to a foot or more, they are hollow logs(for lack of a more descriptive word) of snow. now the meterologist says that are formed by the wind, and perfectly conditioned snow, but im here to tell you, i think thats disinformation. they are every where around here today, and if they were formed by the wind, would they be able to leave roll tracks that went in different directions? and even given that, would they be in sheltered areas where a straight breeze would be impossible? like a yard sheltered on three sides from buildings?
i dont know what they are, and im afraid to speculate, but i know damned well it wasnt any wind.
i dont know what they are, and im afraid to speculate, but i know damned well it wasnt any wind.
Yeah, I'm in Terre Haute and they're all over the place here, freaking ppl out. I was outside smoking with one of my friends and another one of our friends ran up scared of the snow. Weirdness.