I have three birthday gatherings this weekend, and a belated Thanksgiving dinner with friends. I've gone over it and I think I can make it to everything, but I'll definitely be ready to snuggle in bed on Sunday and watch Star Trek. I am, technically, supposed to see a boy on Sunday, so if I can convince him that an afternoon of snuggly sci-fi would be the BEST DATE EVER, I'll go see him...
What else is new? I'm heading to NYC in early January for a week and a half or so, I'm going to be working but I will definitely make time for a visit to the Cloisters and the Donut Plant. I'm supposed to be staying with a friend in the Bronx, but also have somebody in Brooklyn (who doesn't, right? it's like the center of a hipster cyclone) and have realized that taking 30 minutes to get to work instead of 90 minutes would be preferable. Either way, it'll be lovely to take a break of sorts even if it's not anywhere sunny.
Speaking of sunny! I'm looking at both Austin and Hawaii for grad school. There's still a huge part of me that wants to get my PhD, but the MSW is looking better all the time.
Random photo drop:
the "photo booth" the boy set up at my b-day/cancer remission party
i was completely shocked that this braid stayed put. my hair is really slippery, or some more technical term.
the start of my brother's b-day cake: devil's food with mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream ice cream layers. it was yummy, but not as pretty as martha's
after my b-day/cancer party, the car broke down on the way home. I ended up going to bed around 7am. even though i'm tempted to say that i am too fucking old for that shit, it was fine. I slept 'til 10 and felt great the rest of the day.
our booth at pitchfork, from this summer. i don't normally look that cunty, but it was hot as hades and set-up is always kinda a bitch. on the plus side, ya know how you can't ever tell when you're losing weight since you see yourself every day? i was maybe 15 pounds heavier in this picture than i am now, and i can definitely see the difference that i normally don't see.
In other news, I think I'm going snowshoeing next weekend if there's enough snow! I've been wanting to go for years. Tentative ice-skating plans too, but I think that'll consist of me using the railing to go around the rink. Enjoy the start of winter, peoples! For all you know, it could be your last one.
On that bright note...
What else is new? I'm heading to NYC in early January for a week and a half or so, I'm going to be working but I will definitely make time for a visit to the Cloisters and the Donut Plant. I'm supposed to be staying with a friend in the Bronx, but also have somebody in Brooklyn (who doesn't, right? it's like the center of a hipster cyclone) and have realized that taking 30 minutes to get to work instead of 90 minutes would be preferable. Either way, it'll be lovely to take a break of sorts even if it's not anywhere sunny.
Speaking of sunny! I'm looking at both Austin and Hawaii for grad school. There's still a huge part of me that wants to get my PhD, but the MSW is looking better all the time.
Random photo drop:

the "photo booth" the boy set up at my b-day/cancer remission party

i was completely shocked that this braid stayed put. my hair is really slippery, or some more technical term.

the start of my brother's b-day cake: devil's food with mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream ice cream layers. it was yummy, but not as pretty as martha's

after my b-day/cancer party, the car broke down on the way home. I ended up going to bed around 7am. even though i'm tempted to say that i am too fucking old for that shit, it was fine. I slept 'til 10 and felt great the rest of the day.

our booth at pitchfork, from this summer. i don't normally look that cunty, but it was hot as hades and set-up is always kinda a bitch. on the plus side, ya know how you can't ever tell when you're losing weight since you see yourself every day? i was maybe 15 pounds heavier in this picture than i am now, and i can definitely see the difference that i normally don't see.
In other news, I think I'm going snowshoeing next weekend if there's enough snow! I've been wanting to go for years. Tentative ice-skating plans too, but I think that'll consist of me using the railing to go around the rink. Enjoy the start of winter, peoples! For all you know, it could be your last one.
On that bright note...

Have fun!!!
"i was completely shocked that this braid stayed put"