I got this email yesterday from none other then Birdsey from FNX.

Hey Angie, Hope you had a blast at the Mardi Gras Party. I have one question for ya. Are you part of the Suicide Girls?
Thanks for listening,

Afternoon's on FNX

) .(
( v )
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So I was wondering how the Hell he got that idea. I...
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yes we do seem a lot alike...i agree, a tattoo pic of me in lingerie would be very fun and sexy to shoot...
havent applied to SG-I know they are backloaded with shoots to put up, so i think i will wait until the tide clears....
the movie about christ i think is a little too over the top for me...i am not much into gore, and i especially dont want to see an extended scene of torture to someone, whether he existed or not...
i heard about the steak and bj day...i think i may be game, just have to check my calendar.
dreams are cool-though this morning i woke up remembering that someone had told me that i talked to much...this was in a dream, but i do talk alot to the right people...
hey, i am a smart chick with lots to say...
have a good weekend, sugar-and i think a photoshoot between me and you can be arranged
amethyst kiss
I used to be purple now what the Hel color is this?
I've had some really bizarre dream the last two nights. My best friend gave me a dream journal last year for my birthday and I've done a few entries. Sometimes I don't recall my dreams but the last two nights in a row. Scary really, but I wont bore you w/ details.

I think dreams then transform into odd daytime thinking. Am I going nutz?...
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ARRR!!! All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience.

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of Humans. kiss kiss kiss
I'd been so looking forward the FNX Mardi Gras party all week long. I get there to find my worst fear confirmed New England woman are sticks in the mudd. I don't know why I would have believed you could bring the feeling of the Big Easy to some place so freaking conservative. First thing my BF and I did was find Birdsey and try...
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Yeah i think Providence is very lame...Club Hell is the only place that actually gets a little crazy...HMMMM...i didnt go to boston today to see the show, but maybe if the band wins and moves on to the semi-final round, i will venture a trip up...you game? wink
the movie was okay at best...i kept getting teary-eyed throughout the night...not getting along with brian, the situation with dave, i just feel like i am on an emotional rollercoaster sometimes! but i am regrouping and i have a game plan
dave's band lost last night so they wont be in the semi-finals
oh well for them
Tomorrow is the big night. I'm so excited it ought to be a blast. I know one things for sure I'm gonna get wild and dirty. I bought this cute little outfit that's easy to take off if need be. blush Still haven't found anyone who is definitely going, which means I have two extra tickets. Why do I have lame friends? I need to meet...
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That's cool to meet someone who thinks outside the box. You have a flogger, huh? love Hopefully you found someone to go with you. You sound very interesting and i hope you had a twisted time. Take care.
ARRR!!! The inner self is as secret as God and, like Him, it evades every concept that tries to seize hold of it with full possession. It is a life that cannot be held and studied as object, because it is not "a thing." It is not reached and coaxed forth from hiding by any process under the sun, including meditation. All that we can do with any spiritual discipline is produce within ourselves something of the silence, the humility, the detachment, the purity of heart, and the indifference which are required if the inner self is to make some shy, unpredictable manifestation of his presence. wink
I am really loving this site. I am making friends just like I wanted. I hope a few I'll one day get a chance to meet.
How does one get a testimonial? What goes on in the Boston Group?
Getting all ready for the Mardi Gras party, it's gonna be a blast. One of my GF's is gonna go w/ us show now I'll have...
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you certainly are a cutie! no luck finding anything new to wear. i have a pair of silver cargos, but i was looking for something kinda hoochie
my friend's band is playing at Club Lido next sat...you should go, but dont tell the singer i am promoting his band! hahahaha he and i dont get along anymore maybe someday you and i will meet since we live fairly close
fnx rules! kiss
i had a friend who moved to Taunton omg about 6 years ago when i lived in mass she went to school with me and she moved and i haven't heard from her since she moved frown

anyways on to your questions. i got pierced at piercing emporium around september of last year. i didn't put a ss curved barbell in it, we put tygon instead. it doesn't reject, for one its plastic and is meant to be in someones body (its used for cathiders (sp?) ...) as to the barbell would reject easily due to the foreign area. i took mine out in december due to needing a job where i am now and i figured many were frowning upon the madison.

[Edited on Feb 22, 2004 8:40PM]
What the heck is a testimonial and I want into the Boston group. I want to meet others around me who are into Body Modification. I can't wait till next Tue. and the Mardi Gras party. It wont cum soon enough.
Thanks for your comments in the Hopefuls group, really appreciated them! kiss
Hey, don't know anyone in New England doing the branding... you could check out BME... some cute pics you got there, btw. wink
I did it I won a 4 pack to the best New England Mardi gras party. I can't wait really. Girl w/ the most beads at the end of the night wins a trip to Miami. I haven't been to Fl. in years and need a break. I also need to club w/ the beautiful crazy girls down south. What's up all you New England...
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Hey how r u doing? Yeah I am pretty serious with paintball. I travel around the world competing in tournaments. I only got in trouble once with my big boy toy as you call it smile I was 18 and got arrested for doing drive by shootings with it. Pretty dumb aye. shocked
heya! the burns were accidental...I was rubber cementing stars to myself. I had no idea that would be the outcome. that being said....I'll be pleased if the star shaped ones scar. in fact, I've since gone back and intentionally done it to get a perfect star out of it. unfortunately, most of the burns from my first episode aren't star shaped; just parts of stars and stuff. so booo if they scar....I'll look like I lost a knife fight.
I did it, finally got that damn pic up on the site. Too much work, good thing I don't want to be a computer programmer. tongue
im confused, what art work did i do?
to write a journal, login in and look to the upper right hand corner of your screen...you should see a little box that says your name, and then the words "edit preferences"
click on that and you will be directed to your set up page...type in the white box and there is your journal!
good luck! love