OMG it's too funny. You think okay, so I'll support the local radio station just for shits and giggles. Then you start getting into promo parties and special venues. Birdsey Rocks! He sent me this sweet little FNX shirt, and don't you know it has Freak on a Leash on the back. Go freaking figure it's like he knows me. I think he's been stalking me thru my SG journal
. Now I get an email that he's linked my journal off his site. I guess one hand washes your back while the other grabs your TaTas LOL. Wonder how many cool people will stumble into the links section and then hit up Suicide Girls. Wonder if SG will start sending me free shit for promoting their site. I wont hold my breath on that one. Can't wait for the Ill Nino show next Sunday when I'll get to thank Birdsey in person, he's such a sweet heart.

i have an email that supposedly acts as my card until one eventually arrives
Thx for the advice on the shitty night I had at work...fucking bastard. In any other situation I would have handed him his balls on a plate. But it is of course against corp policy to handle the sitch that way. The dude doesn't live here so I'm hoping that he doesn't come back. I will go in today and talk to my store manager about what I should do if he does. Oh and the closest place I could take the course would be in Orlando. I might do it though just because I believe in taking care of myself.