I am really loving this site. I am making friends just like I wanted. I hope a few I'll one day get a chance to meet.
How does one get a testimonial? What goes on in the Boston Group?
Getting all ready for the Mardi Gras party, it's gonna be a blast. One of my GF's is gonna go w/ us show now I'll have competition for that trip to Miami.
Posted two new pictures just in case anyone cares. I love the one w/ my man.
Anyway gotta run hate working second shift.
TaTa's for tickets
How does one get a testimonial? What goes on in the Boston Group?
Getting all ready for the Mardi Gras party, it's gonna be a blast. One of my GF's is gonna go w/ us show now I'll have competition for that trip to Miami.
Posted two new pictures just in case anyone cares. I love the one w/ my man.
Anyway gotta run hate working second shift.
TaTa's for tickets
my friend's band is playing at Club Lido next sat...you should go, but dont tell the singer i am promoting his band! hahahaha he and i dont get along anymore maybe someday you and i will meet since we live fairly close
fnx rules!
anyways on to your questions. i got pierced at piercing emporium around september of last year. i didn't put a ss curved barbell in it, we put tygon instead. it doesn't reject, for one its plastic and is meant to be in someones body (its used for cathiders (sp?) ...) as to the barbell would reject easily due to the foreign area. i took mine out in december due to needing a job where i am now and i figured many were frowning upon the madison.
[Edited on Feb 22, 2004 8:40PM]