Well, I should have known, but I'm still a little surprised at how organically geekdom and sex can meld together so seamlessly. Ahem... anyway... um... this site is called Sexy Fandom, and well... just see for yourselves.
Sexy Fandom
One of their regular links is to another site called Girl Knights. If you ever wanted to see ladies (not so much in waiting now) and brave knights in heavy armor fuck, then this would be the site to check out. If you enjoy being disturbed as I do, then you should not let this opportunity pass you by.
Sexy Fandom
One of their regular links is to another site called Girl Knights. If you ever wanted to see ladies (not so much in waiting now) and brave knights in heavy armor fuck, then this would be the site to check out. If you enjoy being disturbed as I do, then you should not let this opportunity pass you by.
I clicked through to I Love The Devil & LITHIUM_PICNIC was one of the links on the front page!
It's a small world after all...