Did you ever consider what would you would do if you could found your own country? What if you could start anew, avoiding other countries' mistakes?
The problem with existing countries, it seems to me, is they have too many laws. Some law regulates every conceivable human activity. Well, maybe not crapping. Come to think of it, Iran probably has a law governing crapping, since Khomeini wrote a whole book on bathroom etiquette. I'm not certain whether countries are bad because they have so many laws, or there are so many laws because the countries are bad. But this I know for sure: In bad countries, law proliferates.
In my country, we'd stick to England's original common law felonies. If I recall correctly, there are 10 of them--just 10:
1. Murder,
2. manslaughter,
3. assault,
4. battery,
5. mayhem (maiming someone, cutting off a hand or arm--important back in the day when the King needed you to wield a sword in his army),
6. rape,
8. arson,
9. larceny,
10. embezzlement (actually a statutory crime enacted to fill a loophole in the common law crime of larceny, but let's not get too technical).
Just refrain from those 10 crimes and, in my country, you're free to do whatever else you want. Sounds like paradise to me.
The problem with existing countries, it seems to me, is they have too many laws. Some law regulates every conceivable human activity. Well, maybe not crapping. Come to think of it, Iran probably has a law governing crapping, since Khomeini wrote a whole book on bathroom etiquette. I'm not certain whether countries are bad because they have so many laws, or there are so many laws because the countries are bad. But this I know for sure: In bad countries, law proliferates.
In my country, we'd stick to England's original common law felonies. If I recall correctly, there are 10 of them--just 10:
1. Murder,
2. manslaughter,
3. assault,
4. battery,
5. mayhem (maiming someone, cutting off a hand or arm--important back in the day when the King needed you to wield a sword in his army),
6. rape,
8. arson,
9. larceny,
10. embezzlement (actually a statutory crime enacted to fill a loophole in the common law crime of larceny, but let's not get too technical).
Just refrain from those 10 crimes and, in my country, you're free to do whatever else you want. Sounds like paradise to me.
Very interesting... I will have to sleep on this one!!!
I think most countries start out with a few laws, but the laws just keep accumulating over time. There are always new cases which existing laws do not cover completely, so amendments are needed. Apparently it's a lot easier to add new laws than to remove old ones.